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"I see that you're not as much of a dunderhead after all," came a slightly snarky voice from behind Violet. 

She turned to stare into her favorite Potion Master's onyx eyes and felt a slight mist fill her own. He unhooked his arms from their crossed position and stared at her incomprehensibly. He didn't think he had said anything that would set her off but he didn't know what was going on.

Violet flung herself into Severus Snape's arms and cried happy tears of relief. "You're alive! That's great. I'm so happy you're okay." She kept rambling as she held onto Severus as though he were a lifeline. Snape on the other hand didn't know what to do with his own hands especially to a child he had treated so terribly before. He knew that she was his goddaughter after he was transported here and had the spells cleansed of him but that didn't mean he was completely comfortable. 

"Okay, brat, have you had enough of this crying nonsense? Clearly I'm fine."

"I saw you die!"

Violet was shaking as she stepped away from the dungeon bat. Snape narrowed his eyes as he evaluated his Goddaughter's mental state.

"You saw a Golem die. Which is why I'm annoyed that the Goblins have the audacity to say I'm dead! I didn't even write a Will stating that I would be handing all my possessions over to Dumbledore but apparently one was made!"

Violet gnawed on her inner cheek to keep from giggling hysterically. She was just so happy that he was alive and also a bit embarassed that she'd jumped into his arms like a bumbling idiot. 

"I'm sure a mutual agreement can be arranged with the Goblins," Violet said as she looked back towards where some of the Goblins had stayed behind while the rest went to go search out their new home. 

One stepped forward, this one with grey hair and more wrinkles than the rest. 

"Kali Ma, we would be happy to reach a mutual agreement that could benefit us all."

"What is your name?"

"I am Gringotts the third."

"Gringotts, I think it would behoove you to quickly tidy up this nonsense since I've already given your people a safe haven. Wouldn't you agree," she said sweetly. However there was a hard glint to her eyes. 

Gringotts swallowed subtly before grinning with shark-like teeth. "Of Course, Mistress."

Violet nodded her head before turning back to Severus Snape. 

"They'll make sure to get everything back in working order. Unfortunately I am needed elsewhere. It seems that something has recently been brought to my attention and I don't want to waste unnecessary time."

Severus looked slightly concerned as he asked, "Is it something you'll need help with?"

Violet smiled brightly back at him. "Nope! I've got it handled."

She quickly left him alone as she moved into a hallway and turned towards her brother. 

"Okay. How are we going to get Sirius out of the Veil?"

Her brother leaned against the wall in front of her as he crossed his arms. "Easily. Merely order me to retrieve him. Or you can go yourself. However, I would advise you not to do so since you haven't been there before and could potentially get lost."

"Fine. I order you as Mistress of Death to retrieve Sirius Orion Black from the other side of the Veil."

Death disappeared into the shadows as Violet allowed herself to relax. Her mates had followed her silently as all of this was taking place. 

"Are you still upset with us, Love," Klaus asked. He had been wanting to ask if she was still mad at them over their earlier transgressions but everything had been slightly chaotic for a time now.

"Are you still being ridiculous about my age?"

"Of course not. We were merely shocked at the sudden realization that you were so young," Elijah commented.

"Yes, Lover. It was just a shock at how very.. virginal.. you are," Kol spoke up as he sidled closer with a lascivious look. 

Violet quirked her lips up at her perverted Mate. Kol had just reached his mate and had begun wrapping his hand in all that hair when Death popped back up with a disheveled man alongside him.

"Bloody hell! What in the bleeding hell was that," the man wheezed out. He looked gaunt and half starved but his eyes still sparkled with life.


Violet flew across the way and tackled the man. Sirius lost his balance and bounced into the wall behind him as his arms wrapped around Violet.

"Vivi? Is that you? How'd you get so big?"

"Siri, you've been gone for a while now. The war with Voldemort has ended and now a new war is brewing."

"A new one, you say? Who do we have to fight now? Not another Dark Lord!"

"Unfortunately, no. We're fighting Dumbledore," she paused before stepping back and opening her arms wide and with a cheerful voice shouted, "WELCOME TO THE DARK SIDE!"

Sirius deadpanned a look at his God Daughter. "Is there at least cookies and women?"

"Well..  I could always cook some cookies but you'll have to work on the women front yourself."

"I'm sold!" 

Sirius acted as though it hadn't even mattered that his God Daughter had practically just told him she was now on the opposite side of the war. He had always been on her side though so it didn't matter what side of the spectrum she fell under to him. 

He quickly hugged his God Daughter to him and was just happy that she was here with him. He'd made many mistakes in his life but he was happy that she was still healthy and had turned out alright. 

"I've got a Castle to run! I'm going to just say that everyone will be taking dinner in their rooms and tomorrow we'll hold a mass meeting in one of the ballrooms so that everyone is made aware of what is going on."

She pulled back from Sirius and threw over her shoulder as she made her way to her mates. It had been a rather hectic day for her all around. 

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