9. Brother

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Violet walked the darkened halls of Castle Mordred and could sense that it was alive. Technically, they were partially within Death's Realm but since she was It's Mistress, they were safe. 

"You have need of me, Mistress?"

"Do you prefer any specific pronoun?"

It was a rather mundane question but it was one nonetheless. 

"I am none and all but you may use he since many believe Death is masculine in nature, to cause such strife."

"But which do you prefer?"

Death seemed to think about it before It's body shimmered and something, which looked like a male version of Violet, appeared before her eyes. 

Death had floor length black hair which was the only difference between them, as well as the masculine shape to his face and body. His eyes were the same piercing killing curse green as her own. His hair fluttered around him much like his black floor length cloak. Skin bronzed and matching her own, could be seen in stark contrast to the bone white of his skeletal form. He wore a black v-neck that hugged his muscular but lithe body and black pants that hugged toned legs; boots made of black dragonhide ended at his knees. 

"Well, don't you just look like sex on two legs," Violet commented. Death's plump lips quirked in a playful manner.

Violet felt something deep inside her rise to the surface, something old, as she spoke, "We are the mirrors to each other."

She blinked a few times in confusion before cocking her head towards Death for an explanation. He merely stared back at her before smiling gently.

"It is good to be beside you again, Kali Ma, Mistress, my sister. In time you will remember it all. To much would do more harm than good."

"Why have you called me by the name of Mother Darkness, Death?"

"That is who you are Violet. Who you were and will always be. This," he pointed to her body, "Is the Avatar you've taken and one that has been badly managed because of Chaos.She has always been jealous of you, Mistress of Discord and now Mistress of Death."

Violet looked into familiar green eyes, "You are my brother."

Her voice held wonder as she felt the truth to her words. Before she thought much of it, she had pushed herself into his arms and hugged him close. She remembered the beginning of the nothing

It had been so very lonely. However, she had Death beside her even then.

Death released a breath he hadn't needed as he embraced her back. He could feel Violet's tears staining his chest but didn't comment on them. His link to Violet has always been close and he had had to endure watching her life fall to pieces around her; but that was her way. She caused Discord. However, Chaos had nudged it a step further in her jealousy. 

"Why the tears," Death finally asked.

"I don't understand myself. They just fall," Violet answered with a muffled voice. Death chuckled at his emotional sister.

"You have always been the more emotional one," he murmured into her hair.

Violet pulled back and smirked up at him before leaning forward to brush their lips together in a kiss of comfort and love. It was the barest of touches but it seemed to bring Death immense happiness as Violet saw him smile a true smile for the first time this life.

"I am sorry that I've forgotten," she said.

"Do not be. It is your nature. As a human, you had always forgotten. As a witch, you only received echoes. Now as my Mistress, and consequential immortality, you shall begin to regain it all. For that, I am sorry."

Violet shook her head. "Why be sorry for that?"

"Some things are better to be forgotten, Dearest Sister."

There was a hint of sadness, grief, and self-hatred within his voice. Violet knew something terrible had happened and Death blamed himself but Violet believed that it may have been her fault instead of his. Again, that voice sprung up. "It was uncontrollable. It is your duty, Brother Mine. And it. . . was my folly, not yours."

A deep pain seared through Violet's heart and for a space she forgot who she was, where she was, and what she had been doing. Death shook her frantically. 

Violet realized she was crying tears of blood.

"These thoughts should remain locked, Sister Mine. Do not open a wound you cannot bare. You haven't fully assimilated to immortality yet."

Violet watched as Death wiped a bloody tear from her face before bringing it to his lips. Death took in all his sister's sorrow with a slight cringe, yet his face returned to his normal impassive one.

"Let us go join your mates. Your seer has returned with your sister-in-law and the twins. One of them seems to be having a right fit about coming home to the castle from Hell instead of Travesty Manor, as she put it," Death said as he steered Violet towards the Dining Room where everyone was gathered.

"Well if it-"

"Isn't our favorite-"

"little ickle, Vivi?!"

Violet rolled her eyes at the twins antics before she was sandwiched between two muscled bodies and a bunch of red hair. One of their locks landed in her mouth which instantly caused a full body shudder. 

"Oh Gross! When's the last time you both warshed?! Tasted like tentacular venom. What in the world have you been creating?"

Both the twins pulled back with a slightly manic and mischievous look.

"Little moon told us about what little Ronnikins tried to do," Fred commented. She knew they were truly angered by the lack of playfulness in that one statement. 

"Plus all the potions and compulsions that they tried on us," George continued.

"So we paid them back," Fred added.

"The best we knew how," George finished.

"Do they always talk like that," Kol asked with glee as he sidled up to where the four stood. No one had even commented on Death looking human. 

"Yes. You get used to it. That's Fred and this is George, if they haven't introduced themselves yet," Violet pointed to each twin.

"How can you tell? Their blood smells the exact same, even down to the products they use," Kol asked curiously.

"She's just-" Fred began.

"Special," George finished.

Violet stuck her tongue out at Kol.

(I'm breaking the chapter down again. Sorry not sorry. But it does get the release out faster this way anyways. Be happy.)

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