5. Mordred Castle

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(A/N: Due to the fact that some similarities are prevalent in my Fanfic with another, I've decided to tag the Author and Title of the other for those of my Readers who wanted to check it out. LaChupacabra wrote a lovely Fanfic with Fem!Harry and Niklaus pairing called 'The Hybrid and His Mistress'. Go check it out if you have enjoyed this one.)

After the room had cleared of everyone aside from Violet, her mates, and Death; the men grew slightly agitated with being left practically alone with their Mate. This was technically the first time that they had been in a room by themselves with her. Death didn't count since it was merely a personification to them.

"Can you switch this House's insides with Castle Mordred?"

Violet's voice seemed to snap the men out of their raging thoughts.

"Yes, Mistress. You may wish to sit down and close your eyes," It said the last bit towards Violet's Mates but they refused to look weak.

Death waved a hand and it felt as though they were inside of a small, twisting, and suctioning tunnel. Violet knew that it felt similar to a portkey and could keep her feet slightly steady as they were suddenly standing on marbled flooring with stone walls surrounding them. The lighting was green flames lit on sconces adorned to the walls in interspersed placings. It gave the entire place an eerie glow.

Violet opened up one of the large blackout curtains with a flick of her wrist to allow sunlight inside. The view was of the Ocean but she could feel that if they were to step outside they could choose to be in Mystic Falls or the position of the Castle; the Bermuda Triangle surprisingly.

Violet's Mates had fallen to the ground and groaned in pain as they felt as though their body had disintegrated painfully before being put back together.

"I think I'd rather binge eat smelly homeless men then go through that again," Kol grumbled as he rolled to his stomach to look towards Violet.

Violet smiled cheekily back at her quirky Mate.

"That can be arranged if you wish," she responded.

Niklaus was the first to get himself back together and stood a bit shakily before firming his muscles to not look any more weak in front of everyone; the rest followed.

Violet looked around and noticed the wall sconces had puttered out as the light from the window reached them but the others stayed lit. In the middle of the room was a large green and silver rug that took up half of the marbled foyer. Centered within the rug was the symbol for the Deathly Hallows.

All of Violet's mates walked through her memories to better understand what had just happened.

"Mordred Castle comes with various occupants, Mistress," Death warned right before Niklaus shouted.

Hovering over Violet's mate was a Dementor and trying to suck his soul out.

"You will stay away from my mates! You obey me within this castle!"

Violet apparated in front of Niklaus' prone, shivering body from the Dementor's towering form. The Dementor shrunk back as Violet's magic spread from her to encompass the whole Castle as well as her Mates.

"All Dementors hear my call! Until further notice, you shall remain confined to the dungeons! Any of my guests are not to be fed from! As Death's Mistress, I demand obedience," she roared with power, "Lethifolds, here within these halls, your food is within the Forest and not my unsuspecting guests! Heed my orders! To all that hear my call, if you remain, you will show my guests respect befitting them and the repercussions, should you not, will be dire!"

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