8. Age is a Number

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Niklaus was the first to reach Violet and he nearly tackled her in his pursuit.

"What's the matter, Love? Should I dagger Finn?"

Violet glared at him for the suggestion. Niklaus held her closer and tucked her head in his neck when he realized the tears brimming in those expressive eyes. Elijah and Kol came speeding towards them when they felt her great sadness.

"What's gotten our angel so sad," Kol asked as he stepped forward, ignoring Niklaus' glare. Kol rubbed a hand through the dripping wet hair. Violet hadn't even realized she was still in a silk robe ending at her thighs, barely covering herself and clinging to her wet body.

"It must be something terrible to have Violetta exit her quarters in such undress," Elijah commented thoughtfully as he attempted not to stare to long on the healthy amount of flesh on display.

Violet turned in Niklaus' arms to face Kol and Elijah; their breathing picked up.

"Lover, you don't happen to have your lovely nipples pierced, do you," Kol asked as he stared in fascination at the beaded buds on display.

Violet ran a hand through her wet hair before smoothing it over the robe and breasts She chuckled at both her mates looks. Elijah looked incredulous while Kol simply looked excited.

"Wanna find out," she asked suggestively.

"Do I ever?!"

Kol made to step forward but Elijah held him back.

"Kol, Violetta is sad and attempting to distract herself from the current issue at hand. Violetta, what has transpired to cause you such sorrow?"

Violet's smile dropped from her face as she looked towards the black stained wood and stones that made up the walls.

"It's Finn... your.. Mother completely buggered his psyche. I'm surprised Nik has turned out as well as he has," she commented as she hugged the muscled arm around her midsection and squeezed in love for the man's strength. Niklaus kissed the side of her exposed neck before looking at his other brothers seriously before landing on Elijah. Elijah gave a long suffering sigh before walking towards the masster suite where Violet had left Finn to his thoughts.

Kol stepped forward and pulled Violet from Niklaus' arms in a spin before securing her within a dip.

"Ello, Ducky. You look ravishing and I'm practically starved," he purred.

Violet turned her neck slightly to the side to give him better access to her blood. Kol was shocked at how easily she acquieced with his demands; he'd only been joking but since she was offering he wouldn't pass up this gift. Kol's teeth lengthened before he sank them into that golden flesh. He hadn't noticed before but Violet's blood was intoxicating.

He'd barely taken a sip before he felt drunk on power and had to pull away. Kol watched red blood, nearly black, suck back into the twin holes before closing. Kol blinked a couple times before staring into glowing killing curse green eyes. Had she not been smiling, he would've worried that she'd poisoned him.

"Are you alright? You were weak and already drank a lot of my blood prior. Kol?"

Kol shook himself before giving her a cocky smirk. "Love, you're just so damn delicious."

"It is who she is. She is Darkness," Death spoke up out of nowhere.

"Darkness? I thought it was Death?" Violet was confused.

"That is what you've become, not who you are," Death clarified.

"I don't understand what you mean by who I am," Violet huffed.

"You do, but have forgotten, Mistress," he answered before leaving her to her own confusion.

"Perhaps meditation would help," Elijah supplied as he returned with Finn.

Finn looked embarassed but Violet held out her hand towards him and waited. He finally stepped towards her.

"Perhaps I should. I've been meaning to search for my animagus form for a while now."

"Animagus form?"

She turned towards Finn. "I forget that you're unused to my type of witch. Wiccans are completely different creatures from us. An animagus form is our inner animal and we can change into it."

"Like a werewolf," Niklaus asked, intrigued.

"Not entirely. Some can change into bugs and other creatures."

"Interesting," Elijah commented, "And you are also capable of such a feat?"

"I just graduated. Give me a break," Violet mumbled as she blushed at not being able to shift forms yet. She could shift her appearance at will but she hadn't been focusing much on the Animagus process yet.

Kol's mouth dropped as he looked her up and down. She released Finn's hand to cross her arms and glare petulantly at Kol. This pushed her barely covered breasts up and the robe to lift higher on her thighs.

"Got something to say," she asked pointedly.

"How old are you," Elijah broke in.

"Would it matter? You've lived in a time where twelve was legal to wed and bed." At their looks she huffed and tapped a pedicured foot on the ground, "I'm turning eighteen at the end of the month. I'm legal in my World, I'll have you know!"

Her cloak materialized on her body and changed into a long sleeved black shirt that cut off above her belly button ring. Black slacks clung to her lean legs. She walked away from her stunned mates on bare feet. After she'd turned a corner, the wall closed up behind her, causing her mates to hurry over before banging on the wall.

A crack rang out and Skull was standing there with a glare.

"Death's Violet doesn't wish to be found. You leave her alone for now! Food is ready. Blood, Acid, and Bones will take you. Mopsy returning with Farsight, Gemini and Original Female now."

The four mean looked at one another before three Elves showed up to lead them to 'Dinner'.

(I lied, this is the shortest. Now that I'm through with breaking that long chapter down. Onto the next.)

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