6. Surprise

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(This will be my only warning. This book is Adult* there will be nudity and sex. Read at your own peril.)

"Viola has four mates in total and unless we are not above fighting over her affections and bed this night, we will need to acquire a room for ourselves," Elijah commented as they began walking towards the staircase that was down the hallway from the foyer they'd begun at.

Finn seemed lto want to explore but wanted to know where he'd be sleeping more. A loud screech interrupted what Violet was going to say as a dark mass of cloth fluttered towards her excitedly.

"What is that," Niklaus asked suspiciously. Violet caught the creature and stroked it's fabric-like skin. "It's a Lethifold. Very Cannibalistic."

All the men looked at her in growing horror and fear as their mate continued to pet the creature that seemed to be purring.

"There are also Grimms walking the halls, so take heed not to attack them and they won't attack you," Violet announced before turning towards the marbled stairs with black mahogany railing. She began to ascend with the Lethifold wrapped around her shoulders, fluttering behind her like a cape.

"Let's go find your rooms."

All four men were confused by the new strange creatures but didn't want Violet out of their sight. Mordred Castle looked like a creepy version of Hogwarts but instead of moving portraits, there were mirrors at random intervals that seemed to waver like liquid. Violet didn't know what those did and would ask Death later. Which reminded her..


A 'pop' rang out and Mopsy appeared in front of her.

"Can you make sure Bekah and Luna are aware of the changes to the House?"

"Yes, Mistress. I's be's doing it's rights away!"

"They are rather excitable creatures are they not," Kol commented.

"House Elves are such fascinating creatures," Elijah spoke up from behind Violet.

"They're servants," Niklaus answered nonchalantly.

Violet looked back at Niklaus with a glare.

"House Elves aren't just servants! They need our magic to survive and in exchange they take care of the House."

Niklaus looked stricken about upsetting Violet. Kol bound forward to wrap an arm around Violet and the Lethifold hissed angrily before nipping his arm and slinking away quickly.

"That little shite! It bit me, love," Kol pouted.

"I already warned you," Violet said not withholding her own amusement at his expense.

They had reached the top of the stairs and walked down towards the 'Family' Quarters before Violet stopped.

"I wonder why the Lethifolds like me enough to not eat," Violet mused.

"Because you're my Mistress," Death spoke up.

"Well I'm her mate but they don't seem to like me all that well," Kol commented as he snuggled closer to Violet.

"You have not mixed magics yet," Death answered.

"Mixed.. Oh you mean shagging? Well then, love, let's get to it!"

Elijah smacked Kol on the back of the head as Niklaus dragged Violet towards him possessively. He was like a dog to a bone.

"Okay, enough. All of you choose a room. Finn will be staying with me. Before any of you argue about how unfair that is, you should just understand why he needs my attentions."

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