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Violet and her mates made their way back to the family wing and to their rooms. Klaus lifted Violet into his arms as they reached the door to her room.

"I'm staying with you tonight," he immediately interrupted her protests. 

She honestly didn't mind if he stayed with her tonight but she felt a bit guilty to the rest if it were him alone. 

"Everyone can stay the night tonight. Today has been rather rough," she said with a tired sigh.

Elijah looked like he wanted to object but decided not to instead. Kol looked excited to be inside of his mate's room with her and Finn was still weary about how he had acted earlier. Klaus walked forward and set Violet on her bed. They all looked unsure of what to do. 

Violet smirked at them before sliding off the cloak that had formed into a dress for her. She was bare beneath and the men seemed slightly shocked at her sudden nudity. Kol immediately smirked and slid onto the bed beside her.

"Well, love. I like the way you think," he said as he tore off his shirt and slipped a hand up her calf. Violet pulled his face closer to her own and began kissing him as he set his body on top of hers. 

Klaus growled before pulling his own shirt over his head and slipped onto the bed near Violet's head. He pushed Kol aside so that he could begin kissing her kiss swollen lips. Kol began kissing up the side of her neck. Violet reached a hand out in beckoning to both Finn and Elijah. Although Elijah was a gentleman that didn't mean he'd ignore his nude mate. Finn seemed gobsmacked before he also joined the bed. 

Violet ran a hand down Elijah's chest before tearing her hand down the buttons of his shirt, exposing a hardened chest and abdominal muscles. Each of the men had battle honed muscles from their times as mortals. 

Klaus bit into Violet's lip and drew some blood, eyes turning black and gold. Kol moved down and began attacking her breasts, playing with the piercings that lay there. Violet moaned and writhed beneath their ministrations. At one point she wasn't sure who was touching where because both Finn and Elijah had joined the other two. 

Kol was the first to make love to her and as he sank himself within her, so to did he sink his fangs into her neck, cementing their bond. Klaus and Elijah made love to her together and also sank their teeth into the sides of her neck and then their was Finn. Finn was her most gentle which was a good thing since she was already exhausted. Once his fangs sank into her neck a blinding gold light wrapped around the five of them, creating gold and black markings across each of their necks. 


(I'm honestly trying to finish this fanfic merely because It's dead to me at the moment. Sorry for how short it is with the sex scene.)

Violet dreamed. She dreamed of a life she'd never lived. Not her exactly but the her who was a Goddess. At one point she was happy and in love with a beautiful son. She'd been told not to fall in love with a mortal because they would age and die but she hadn't heeded that warning. She'd entered the mortal world on numerous occasions to see her love and child but doing so had stained the land she stepped foot on. 

It wasn't visible to the eye but the very air saturating the surroundings. She hadn't realized it at the time but soon she came to know exactly why she wasn't supposed to set foot onto the mortal plane. Kali Ma was the cause for all those deaths when that volcano erupted so suddenly and overtaken the entire civilization. Her love and child had been gone before she could make it to them. She'd been devastated as she had stood by as her brother collected their souls. There was nothing she could do. 

Violet began to relive their very deaths as her memories were returned to her in her sleep. Her body shuddered and tears of blood flooded down her face. Klaus was the first to realize that Violet smelled of blood. He immediately shot up and reached out to her, pulling her to his chest before shaking her. 

"Wake up, love. It's just a dream."

At first she didn't seem to hear or feel him but he continued until she took in a rasping gasp. By this time, the other three were already awake. Violet's eyes were swimming in black as blood leaked out, replacing her tears. 

"It was just a dream, love. You're alright."

Violet's eyes closed as she let out a breath. "It wasn't a dream. It was a memory."

"You remember," Elijah asked. 

"Yes. All of it."

"Do you want to talk about it," Kol asked. 

"Not right now."

She laid back down and cuddled up to Klaus' side as Kol snuggled up to her back. Everyone tried to get back to sleep but Violet began to sort through all her memories. 


Violet had planned to hold a meeting with the families and creatures who had been transported to her island the next day but before she even had time to do so, their island was somehow attacked. Apparently the Goddess who was jealous of Kali Ma was helping Dumbledore and the Original Witch along with their army of 'light' supporters. 

She'd immediately organized their people to take on the forces as her and her mates faced off with the three figureheads. Dumbledore's stupid eyes twinkled as he smiled benignly at Violet.

"My girl, it's good to see you again but under the circumstances it would've been better had you allowed yourself to move on at the battle with Tom."

"I'm not your girl, Dumbledore," she told the old man before turning to Chaos, "I see you're now running with the trash."

Chaos sneered at her but didn't deem Violet with a response. Violet rolled her eyes before they turned completely black. She called Death to her and commanded him to reap Chaos' soul. God's and Goddess' couldn't kill one another. However, Death was a completely different case. Death fought Chaos as Violet walked towards Dumbledore. 

"You've meddled with my entire life and it ends here. I won't stand by and watch you ruin the rest of our world into your one sided beliefs."

She called forth her darkness and watched as it slithered forth from the ground. Arising from Dumbledore's own shadow before beginning to flood through his orfices. It choked and blinded him. He grew deaf, blind, and couldn't utter a single word as she flooded him with the pain he had directly or indirectly caused. She called forth those souls that passed on and used their pain to flood his system. He dropped to the ground in silent screams. 

Those of the dark and light who were fighting in the surroundings grew still. The dead laid at their feet and most were covered in wounds as their chests heaved. Violet glanced over and realized that her mates had already killed their mother while she was distracted. Violet would need to make sure that the bitch stayed dead this time. She looked back to find that Dumbledore had turned into a black dried husk. There was nothing left to indicate who the body belonged to. 

A swift wind passed by and picked up his remains, scattering it into dust. Violet's attention turned swiftly to the side as she heard Chaos scream. Death had shoved his scythe into her throat. He ripped it through and her soul was gathered on the end. He reached forward and grabbed the air in front of her soul which made it compact swiftly into a golden mass. Death gripped the mass with both hands before ripping it in half and tossing one half towards Violet.

She watched as he threw the other half into his mouth and began to chew. He winked at her so she did the same. Chaos tasted like watermelon sour straw candy. It also gave her more power than she could handle. She used what she gained to expand the island to create a separate world from the rest of the planet. One where her people could exist and not be concerned about being discovered. 

In time, the rest of the magical population would migrate there but for now they needed to build. 

(Yes, yes. I know. I cut this rather short and I could've gone on to do more to it but I just lost my muse for it. However, if someone wants to pick this up and add more or fix it you can. I just wanted to at least give this an ending.) 

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