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"Hello Death. You look happy this time I've seen you. Did Violet give it to you?"

Everyone followed Luna's line of sight to the male version of Violet, in shock. This was Death?

Death smirked as he hung his arms over Violet's shoulders to get a rise out of her mates. 

"Little Seer, you must know who she is to me. It's quite obvious," he said as he laid his chin on one of his arms so that his face was pressed against Violet's. Having a side by side shocked everyone. 

"What's going-"

"On Vi? You don't-"

"Have any siblings," George finished. 

(I figured I would wait til the last with the names so I'm not pingponging back and forth with George and Fred.)

Violet was slightly embarrassed but Death's touch was comforting. Her mates staring at her made her blush prettily, which caused her brother to chuckle. Violet elbowed Death to get him to stop laughing at her expense. 

"Apparently I'm an Avatar," she said uncomfortably.

"Like the last-"

"Airbender," George finished the question. Excitement brewed in the twins' eyes. 

Violet looked at them in shock. "What the buggering hell- No! How do you guys even know that?!"

"Dad bought one of them-"

"Telly-visions and it's been-"

"Playing every morning-"

"Like clockwork," Fred finished.

"No, not that type of Avatar." She rolled her eyes but leaned back for comfort from Death. "Before I was Violet, I was like Death. He's my twin brother actually."

"Does that mean you're Life?"

It was Rebekah who asked but Death chuckled in amusement, which caused the thousand year old to actually blush!

"No, my sister most assuredly isn't Life," Death answered before stroking a hand through Violet's blood red hair. "She is Kali Ma, Mother Darkness, Goddess of Discord and now my Mistress; essentially this shell has become Immortal. She will begin to remember her past lives."

"Won't that harm her," Rebekah asked reasonably. There was worry in her voice as she took notice of the pain inside Violet's eyes when Death mentioned her remembering. 

"Very much so. She will need all her mates to keep her mind stabilized."

"Will it be dangerous for her," Niklaus asked with a growl.

"Not physically, per se," Death conceeded after staring down at his sister.

"Anyways! Both Elena and Stefan are down in the Dungeons with the Dementors," Violet said to change the topic, with a cheerful voice. "Mipsy! Have you put Elena to sleep with the Draught of Living Death and given Blood Replenishers as you drain her?"

"Who are you draining of blood and why," the twins said together in excitement.

Violet rolled her eyes at their antics. 

"You've already collected the Doppelganger," Niklaus asked as he took an excited step forward. 

"Yes. Earlier I had an Elf kidnap her and charm her brother into thinking she went to save Stefan. If you don't want to kill them after a week we can plant memories of her convincing him to leave you, after offering a few pints of blood or something."

Mother Darkness Becomes Death's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now