4. More Room

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Niklaus carried Violet bridal style as he sped towards the holding locker where he had had his family left daggered within their coffins. He raced through the streets as he tried to lick clean the blood traces from Violet's face. Any Vampire would be drawn by her blood; even he was having difficulty from devouring her.

They soon arrived in front of the coffins and he set her down to allow her to find her other mate. Sadly for Niklaus, Violet had more than one mate. She fell at the first coffin and opened it to find Elijah. Niklaus had guessed that Elijah would be her other mate, purely because of how volatile he, himself, was and how collected his brother was in comparison.

She smoothed a delicate hand through his soft brown waves and skimmed her black tipped fingers over shut lids before reaching down to yank the dagger out of his chest. Instead of having to wait for him to revive, she leaned forward, as Rebekah and Niklaus watched on, and pushed her magic into a kiss to 'eniverate' him.

Elijah woke with a gasp and devoured the lips that were pressed against his own as though she were oxygen for his starved lungs. Violet allowed him to take control of the kiss, even as Niklaus made a disgruntled noise. Hazel eyes filled with compassion opened to stare into sparkling emerald eyes.

"It's good to see you awake, my mate."

Elijah was too dazed to respond and although Violet was feeling a bit better from her new connection with Elijah, she still had two more mates 'dead' to the world.

Violet heard Rebekah talking to Elijah as she stepped towards another coffin but she ignored them in favor of the call to her other mates. Both coffins looked the same but one needed her more than the other. The one to her left needed her love and understanding but the other was suicidal and would take a lot of work so she would leave his awakening for last.

She opened the lid of one of the coffins and Kol was shown to his three siblings. Violet pushed his shoulder length hair back from his face and gripped his chiseled chin between her hands as she leant forward. With merely a thought, the dagger disintegrated right before she laid her lips over his and performed the same magic she'd done with Elijah.

Kol woke with a jolt and frantic, slightly manic eyes. His arms sprung forward and dragged Violet's tiny body flush against him to deepen the kiss she was giving him. The smell of blood drifted through the air and both Elijah and Niklaus growled at the abuse done to their mate but paused when they heard Violet moan into Kol's mouth. Her head tipped back and Kol sank his fangs into her outstretched throat.

Niklaus was a bit jealous that his brother was the first to mark their mate's neck. Emerald eyes, hazed with lust, looked towards both Elijah and Niklaus from the backwards tilt of Violet's head. She cradled Kol's head towards her neck as though to keep him there. When Kol finished feeding he was surprised the woman was still alive.

He looked up into tender green eyes and a beautiful smile gracing blood stained lips.

"Hello, my third mate. Pleasure meeting you. I have need of awakening your last brother now though," she trailed off and Kol realized his strong hold gripping her waist.

Violet slipped out of the coffin that Kol had laid in, regally, as though Kol hadn't mussed her up. Everyone held their breath.

"Death," Violet called.

It showed up in It's misty cloak and scared the Originals into snarling.

"How can I fix my last mate," she asked.

"Elijah and Kol aren't nearly as broken as your fourth mate, Finn. However, given your magic and love, he should be fine."

Violet turned to Finn with renewed vigour.

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