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"Can you order the Vampires to feed only on willing donors while here," Violet asked the Originals.

"No, but I'm sure Death can enforce it," Elijah said.

Death had transformed back in his 'scary' form and wrapped a skeletal arm athrough Violet's to have her hand rest on his forearm. Dark Elves had begun sectioning the corridors and rooms off based on Species. All those DeathEaters or from the Dark would be going in the 'Human' area, where the Werewolves and Vampires weren't admitted. As Violet walked by, she caught sight of white blonde hair. 

"Malfoy?! I mean, Draco?"

Draco Malfoy stood nervously beside his Mother and Father. A Father that was supposed to be in Azkiban.

"Death? Something you forgot to mention?"

"Yes but I already took care of the ones too far gone. No point bringing that madness into our Home," Death told her in a whisper.

Narcissa looked like she wanted to run towards Violet, which made the girl in question confused.

"Any blocks or compulsions were removed once they entered Mordred Castle. She had her memory wiped and Godmother bond messed with... Snape is also still alive and somewhere in the Castle."

That last had her turning her head in shock to Death. What the hell? She felt like grabbing her breasts to hide the bat wings that no one else could see. She finally pulled away from Death to walk towards Narcissa with a smile. Draco looked gobsmacked at Violet's new look and how very pureblood she was appearing, instead of wearing the old clothes of Dudlery. Plus, she didn't have that stupid lightning bolt scar and glasses. She did, however, have a snake tattoo made out of parselcript and the Deathly Hallows tattooed on her neck. 

"Hello Godmother," she said cheerfully to Narcissa. Narcissa looked slightly shocked before smiling.

"Hello, mi picola Violetta," she whispered before moving forward to hug Violet. Violet allowed it because she felt the Godmother bond that they held to one another. Narcissa felt safe and so did the other two Malfoys. It was strange since they had been fighting against one another before.

"What has you so," Narcissa asked as she pulled back. She was talking about the difference in Violet. 

"Dumbledore had me on magic blocks, compulsions, a glamour, love potions and many more," Violet said by way of explanation.

Her mates growled angrily about all of it but mostly the love potion. Narcissa chuckled prettily at their act of possessiveness.

"Narcissa, Mr. Malfoy, Draco," she inclined her head towards the two Malfoy men before sweeping a hand out to encompass all four of her mates, "These are my mates; the Original Vampires."

Mr. Malfoy looked gobsmacked and Draco looked slightly confused but Narcissa's eyes crinkled with inner laughter and a slight bit of Black Madness before taking on a stern half-crazed look.

"You'll treat my Goddaughter like a Queen," she demanded regally. She even looked down her nose at all four men. "Otherwise, you'll find out exactly why us Black women are known for our 'Madness' and immortal or not, that's a long time to be suffering inside of a dungeon."

"I like her too," Kol commented as he stepped toward Narcissa. Both had similar manic looks in their eyes and Narcissa merely raised one delicate white brow at him. Kol grinned maliciously before calming down. "It's a pleasure to meet my mate's Godmother."

He picked up Narcissa's delicate hand and turned it over to place a delicate kiss to the inside of her wrist. Lucius Malfoy nearly had a heart attack when the Original Vampire placed his lips on her wrist. Narcissa was completely calm, her heart didn't even pick up pace or skip a beat.

Kol let go of Narcissa's hand as though she were spun glass before stealing his mate from her side.

"Ello, Lovey. Love the new dress," Kol leaned forward to kiss Violet on the mouth. Most everyone was staring at Violet and consequently Kol.

"I need to go deal with the Goblins," Violet said tiredly.

"Violetta , take Lucius with you. He is very good at striking deals."

"I'm sure he is, however, there will be no deals. They either seek safety or perish in Britain. Easy choice really."

Narcissa was flabbergasted at how ruthless Violet was. Draco looked at Violet with a queer eye.

"What are you on about, Potter," he finally drawled with a smidge of his usual condescending voice. Violet smirked his way as her eyes glowed killing curse green.

"This is who I am, Draco. You can call me Violet because the other is a mouthful. I doubt you want to try and insult me with Potter-Black-Peverell-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Emrys. That would be a mouthful every time," she said with a small smirk. "Also, I'm the Mistress of Death. That means I can't die."

She had shocked the three Malfoys into stunned silence and turned to go talk to the Goblins. What she hadn't expected wasd to find Severus Snape arguing with Sharpfang.

"I've told you, you insufferable fool of a Goblin! I'm not Dead. You will open my accounts to me at once and desist in giving that old goat more of my money!"

Violet stumbled a bit when she heard his voice but their Godfather bond was extremely strong. Snape seemed to realize someone he cared for stood behind him and turned. The sight that met him made him stunned. She had her mother's heart shaped face and red hair but her father's aristocratic high cheekbones. Simply put, Violet was flawless, aside from the tattoos but they added depth to her otherwise flawless physique. She didn't really resemble either James Potter nor Lily Evans but then again she did resemble them at the same time. Hell, she even partially looked like Narcissa and Snape as well as Sirius but that was due to the blood given for the Godparent Bond.

"You're alive." Was the first thing Violet got out after her shock of seeing Severus alive. Severus Snape looked embarassed. He had been obliviated and numerous compulsions to hate Violet and mistreat her when he had done a Blood Godfather Bond with that mutt and Cissa.  All their blood created the Violet who stood in front of him. Severus could even see pieces of himself as she turned to sneer at the Goblins while ignoring him.

"Sharpfang, I've given your people a Safe Haven as the British Ministry has-" she stopped as Death cut her off.

"Dumbledore is alive," he whispered.

"Excuse-a-fuck-me?!" She turned angry eyes at Death.

"He created a Golem which Severus killed and has been waiting to come forward to claim you as a Dark Lady and take over Magical Britain," he explained.

"I'll kill that mother fucker. Where is he?!"

Severus watched Violet in amusement as she threatened to kill Dumbledore.

"I'm sure we all want him dead, Ms. Potter," Severus drawled.

"Severus, just call me Violet. Your charade doesn't work on me," she said as she flipped him a supercilius look before pulling on Death's cloak like a child.

"Brother, who else is supposed to be dead but you've yet to tell me," her voice held the ancient qualities of Kali Ma. It sent a shiver down Severus' spine.

Death changed back into his human form with a pout.

"Well, Delores Umbridge escaped the Centaurs tender mercies. Sirius is stuck in the veil, not dead but no one has gone to retrieve him. It's probably driven him a bit more insane. The veil isn't meant for living bodies. Dumbledore as you know.. oh and Severus here," he said finally as Violet still had a hand wrapped around his hair and was tugging him closer.

"Anything else, Dearest Brother?" She glared at him with power in her eyes. The sclera turned black and the green glowed with the killing curse.

"Your mates Mother has breached the Veil and entered our World."

"I swear I don't get a break. Michael, Esther and now Dumbledore?! For fucks sake."

"I could've sworn I killed the old coot," Snape drawled as he leaned against a wall. Violet could only deal with so much so she gave that up in favor of dealing with the Goblins. She sneered at Sharpfang and his clan. 

Mother Darkness Becomes Death's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now