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Damon was a mixture of scared, confused, and turned on if he were to be completely honest with himself. It was the first that made him speed towards the door to check for the little minx after she had left so suddenly. Unfortunately, she had disappeared. He went back inside.

"Why didn't you stop her from leaving," he glared at Matt.

Matt's face closed down and he leveled a glare on the vampire, "Whatever your problem with her is, leave me out of it."

Damon left the Grill in a hurry to tell the others of his encounter.

Violet had used an alley next to the Grill to apparate into the woods she'd seen earlier. She knew that she would have a fight on her hands soon enough with the young vampire but it wouldn't be tonight. She was no longer the little 'Light Savior' that the old fool had shaped her to be. In fact, with the way she leaned now, most would claim her to be the next Dark Lady. Wasn't that just a kicker.

Within the woods that Violet had arrived in, the fog began to creep in and covered her feet from view. There was a graveyard nearby which made her feel closer to 'Death'.

"Mistress, if you wished to speak with me, you need only call me forth," came a disembodied voice.

Violet's green eyes glanced over her shoulder before turning back to walking through the damp forest.

"Have the House Elves already prepared the House for my arrival?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Brilliant!" Violet stood in the midst of the dark forest that surrounded her and followed the strange magic that had been calling to her since she entered and found a broken down house. What she hadn't expected was the amount of spirits on this land. Wiccan spirits. As one, they turned towards her and the whispers began, whispers that would soon reach Bonnie.

Violet ignored the disgruntled spirits of the Wiccan and proceeded to trail towards the source of such heedy magic. She reached a clearing where three circles of scorch marks took up residence on the ground. Death and Blood magic had been used here. There was also someone who piqued her interest. Violet had never felt anything like it before and out of curiosity asked Death.

"Who is the one that used the sacrifices?"

Death had arrived as soon as It's Mistress asked a question of him.

"He's the Original Hybrid from the family of Original Vampires."

"An Original? Hmm, where is this Hybrid?"


Violet didn't have anything else planned currently and the locals have already given her an unpleasant welcome. Might as well go see this Hybrid.

"Take me to him."


(This will be the only time I warn my Readers. This Fanfiction is ADULT; meaning there will be Rated R scenes that I will NOT be warning about before they happen. Here's your warning for the first and last time. There is a slightly explicit scene coming up.)

Violet had been expecting a lot of things but stumbling when she first appeared hadn't been one of them, nor was she prepared for the massively strong chest she fell into.

"Oomph! Bloody Hell!"

"Well, 'ello Love. Where'd you come from," the accented voice surprised Violet into opening her eyes to look at the man who currently had his arms wrapped around her. His blonde-brown hair was swept in a slight wave outlining an aristocratic face with a hint of scruff on his sharp cheekbones and near those plump kissable lips. His eyes were captivating, swirling between blue and green, never just one due to his churning emotions.

Mother Darkness Becomes Death's MistressWhere stories live. Discover now