First Day's Always The Worst...

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(I've been working on this for a while, and I've decided to finally post it! Hope you enjoy!

I don't own Hetalia or you)

You walked into Language Arts (LA). Today would be the first day of school. You liked the first day of school, not because school started again, oh no.

You liked to see her friends after the long summer. You were walking next to your best friend Elizaveta, you both had thankfully gotten the same LA class.

Now you didn't have to sit next to some stupid popular student.

Boy, were you wrong, if only you knew to what extent the next hour would change your life forever. . .

"Alright class!" (t/n) said. "Since it is the first day, you may all choose your seats!"

You looked around and saw that there were no empty seats right next to each other. You and Elizaveta can't sit next to each other.

Elizaveta took a seat next to random student and you were left sitting next to...

Oh no.

Alfred F Jones.

The most popular guy in all of (school name) high!

With a sigh, you awkwardly sat down next to him. Not making eye contact, you copied the assignment off the board. Why you dicided to do that was unknown. All it said was:

'Have a nice homework free first day!

(Welcome to hell tomorrow)'

It didn't say the last part, but by the way the teacher was always smiling made you shiver.

It's alright, just get through this first day and you won't have to make any eye contact or any contact with him ever again! You thought.


You were pulled out if your thoughts by the very word she feared would come out of his mouth.

Sure it's just a simple 'hi', but when you are practically on the bottom of the high school food chain of popularity (if that even exists) you try to avoid the student who are higher up than yourself.

"Hi." You responded, looking down at your paper.

"Are you OK? You seem kind of jumpy."

Wow. Compassion. Not.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"I'm Alfred by the way." He grinned.

What's with this guy? She thought.

"_____." You responded, still not looking up.

"What did I miss?" Alfred asked.


"Why is that paper so interesting? You haven't taken your eyes off it!" He joked.

"Oh. Nothing really." You still wouldn't look up.

It was now Alfred's mission to get you to look at him.

"Is there something wrong with my face?"


"How would you know if you aren't looking at me?"

You blushed. Then looked up.

"Look wise guy. I'm trying to study, I suggest you do the same! Now this is not a pleasurable experience for me so will you please just leave me alone?" You went right back to your textbook.

Alfred was taken back. He never met a girl who hadn't enjoyed his presence.

This was a sure first.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

You groaned. "It means I don't like you, and I don't especially like sitting here. The sooner you get it through your thick skull the better for the both of us." You turned back to your textbook. "You're so stupid." You mumbled.

How could a girl not like him? Not like sitting next to him? Any time Alfred does anything, all the girls swoon.

You were different.

A kind of different that Alfred was curious about.

Alfred's new mission was to get you to like him, and enjoy sitting with him. Maybe even make you his girlfriend?

And he wasn't about to give up so easily. . .

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