We are Not friends!

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You know the saying 'saved by the bell'?

Well that's practically your life motto! You couldn't wait for that class to end. Sitting next to Alfred was torture itself, but having (t/n) say we all have to sit next to the same person we did today for the rest of the year practically broke your heart.

You have to sit next to Mr. Ego for the rest of the year!


Once the bell rang you literally jumped out of your seat, grabbed your stuff, and ran up to Elizaveta your Hungarian friend, she was talking (more like yelling) to Gilbert.

"I will hit you with the cooking ED's frying pan Gil!"

"Alright! Alright! Liz, I know how much you want to hit that dumb face of his, but you act do it in school grounds." You laughed, breaking up the fight.

"Thank jou ____. Wait I don't have a dumb face do-"

"Oh look at the time Liz! time to go don't you think?" You grabbed into your sometimes-frightening friend's arm and ran out the door.

"That was close!" You both laughed out in the hall before running to your next class.


Finally it was lunch time!

You and Elizaveta walked up to get your much when...


You bumped not into something but someone.

You looked up and saw.

Alfred F Jones.

"Hey aren't you that geek?..." He smiled.

"It depends." You growled.

"You know, the one I sit next to in LA? Who couldn't get her nose out of her book? (name close to yours) was it?"

"It's _____. And yes, that's me!" You fake smiled and rolled your eyes.

He placed a hand on your back. "Great! I was just looking for you! Are you going to introduce me to your friends?" He looked back at your table and waved.


"Well why not!" He pouted.

"Because (1) I don't like you. (2) we've barely just met and aren't even close to being friends. And (3) You're so annoying!"

"When will we be close to being friends?" He batted his eyelashes.

"Never. And you can stop trying to charm me. It won't work. Just leave me alone. C'mon Liz! Lets go." You stuck your nose in the air and left with Elizaveta.

Alfred was once again dumb founded. Why is she playing so hard to get? And I am so not annoying. Looks like I'll have to try a little harder.


You and Elizaveta had already gotten their lunches and sat down next to their friends.

"Hey _____?" Your best friend Vash asked.


"Who was that guy with you? Wasn't that Alfred?" He said his name like it was a nasty aftertase in his mouth.

"Pssht! He wishes!" You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "No Vash, Alfred just thinks were friends. I have to sit next to him in LA class. No more no less."

"Oh. Okay." He gave you a small smile. "I feel bad for you."

Yet, you couldn't help but wonder why Alfred, a popular, took even the slightest bit of interest in you.

You're in the very bottom! Good luck to him if he thinks he can try! You thought as you laughed a bit.

"Whatcha' laughing about _____?" Speak of the devil.

"Oh, nothing really.." You said through clenched teeth.

"Oh. Now can you introduce me to your friends?" Puppy dog eyes. Great.

"Fine. This is Vash, Roderich, and Lily. Over here is Gilbert and Elizaveta."

Alfred waved. "Hi, I'm Alfred, _____'s boyfriend."

"Friend! Friend that is a boy!" You said quickly, blushing.

"So we are friends!"

You face palmed. "Nevermind. I give up." I sighed.

"Awe that's no fun _____!" Alfred laughed. Idiot.

"Hi." Vash said through gritted teeth.

"Yeah! Hello! Any friend of _____'s is a friend of mine!" Lily smiled.

"Yes, nice to meet you. I am Roderich." Roddy nodded politely.

"Keseseseses~ I am the Awesome Gilbert! Nice to meet you!"

"Hey, I'm Elizaveta. But everyone calls me Liz."

"I'm looking forward to being friends!" Alfred smiled.

This is going to be a long and painful school year....

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