Day 10

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The forest was silent outside the football fields of (town) high. There was the chirping of birds and the gentle rustle of the leaves blowing in the wind.

Oh and there was also the sounds of a girl yelling profound words. Yep, nothing was better-wait what-?

"I swear Mathias, you better let me go this instant!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, we already know you swear geez. Just chill elsker!" Mathias said, grabbing your arm a title tighter in fear that you would escape.

"Don't call me things that I can't understand! It pisses me off! For all I know, you could be calling me loser (again)!" You said in frustration.


You turned crimson. "W-what?" You stuttered in embarrassment. Did you hear him correctly, or did he just say love?

"L-love. Elsker means love in Danish." Mathias said, you still couldn't see, but you could tell he was blushing to.

"B-but why would you-?"

"We're here! So we're going to leave now Frau! Have fun~!" Gilbert said with a laugh.

"One for the road." Mathias said, and you felt lips on your right cheek. "Good luck elsker~! If it doesn't work out call me!" A piece of paper was slipped into your hand.

"W-wait!" You exclaimed, still red from Mathias's kiss.

Now noticing that your arms and hands were free, you immediately pulled off your blindfold. AKA, a piece of fabric that had 'Im awesome and I'm the king' written in it.

You signed a stuck it in your pocket.

Then you noticed you were in a forest. Literally, the middle of a forest.

"Curse you Mathias and Gilbert!" You yelled, shaking your fist at the sky like an old man who wanted those 'pesky kids' off his lawn.

Then you saw it.

"A doughnut?" Right there on the ground was a cardboard cut-out of a doughnut that looked like a 5-year old drew it in crayon.

You flipped it over.

Dear Doughnut,

I'm so Sorry dudette! I didn't mean for Mathias and Gilbert to kidnap you after the game! And I didn't mean for Arthur to leave you like that like a creepy horror movie! I hope you will forgive me! Well it was all my plan so I guess I did mean it but...that's not the point! I'm just rambling on now aren't I? Anyway, for your first clue, walk forward 20 paces, there you will find another one of these with your next clue and so on!

I can't wait to see you

<3 Alfie

You couldn't help but smile at the note, it was so adorable. I mean, he even wrote it himself!

"What a goofball. . ." You said with a slight giggle. "I'm definitely keeping this~" You said as you placed it in your pocket.

20 paces.

You kept waking. . .

10 paces.

Almost there.

Then you stopped, you went 20 paces.

You looked around. Nothing.

"Well. . . OK then. . ." You mumbled.

Then you lifted up your foot, and sure enough, it was right there.

Dear Doughnut,

Yes! You didn't quit on me! Thanks dudette! Right in front of you should be a path. Follow it to get out of the forest. You're so close don't give up now! You're clue is: Roses are red. . .

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