Day 9

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"I- I don't know if I can get through this . . . My heart hurts so much. . . And it's all my fault. . ."


Since you had to clean the school over the summer with Alfred, strange things had been happening. You would catch Alfred staring at you, and when your eyes met, he would immediately look away like nothing happened.

You couldn't lie, at first you felt a 'spark' , if you must, between you; when your hands would touch accidentally, or even when he would pull you all through the hallways. You felt it when he would smile, and especially that one time when You caught him singing 'shake It off' by Taylor Swift into one of the mops. That was absolutely hilarious! And You most definitely felt it when he blushed and asked how much of it you actually saw and when you responded with: 'all of it', his face put Antonio's tomatoes to shame!

You guessed that Alfred would always be the perfect boyfriend, I mean he was the greatest friend you probably ever had.

And one of the only friends you ever had.

So after he had confessed to you, you became boyfriend and girlfriend. You would always sneak little kisses and hugs and it was nice.

You even dragged him along to (fav restaurant) and he want and paid for the both of you.

"Hey thanks Al, but you didn't have to buy." You said with smile.

Alfred returned it. "It's what heroes do Doughnut~! Besides you say it like you bought the whole restaurant! You only got a normal meal!" He laughed.

You laughed along with him. But soon stopped, there was one question on your mind that you just couldn't brush off. "Alfie?"

"Yes dudette?" He responded.

"Well can I ask you a question. . . ?" You asked.

"Of course! You can ask me anything!" He smiled down at you.

You swallowed hard. "Well. . ." You twiddled your thumbs. "I wanted to ask why you like me? I mean, I'm nothing like the other girls, can't do math, and I'm not exactly into things like they are. . .so. . ." You trailed off.

Alfred gave you a hurt face as he looked at you. "_____. . . I love you for you. You're wonderful just as you are. I don't ever change got it?" He 'booped' your nose with his pointer finger.

You giggled. "Got it!"

"No matter what?" He asked.

"No matter what!" You grinned and latched on to his arm. "I love you Alfred~"

"I love you too _____~" He purred as he pressed the button to walk.

Everything after that was a blur to you. All of a sudden you were on you butt in the middle of the street as the sound of tires trying to stop and the swerve of a motorcycle reached your ears. The smell of iron reached your nose. Your eyes teared up at the sight on the asphalt.

There lied Alfred, hair stuck to his head by blood, leg bent in an inhuman position. You rushed over to him, tears streaking your face and making the little amount of makeup you put on your face run. Embracing him, you heard his heart beat, it was quiet, but it was there.

"ALFRED!!" You sobbed.

Alfred had pushed you out of the way of the car. He was the hero.

"No, no, no! I won't accept this!" You cried out making the person on the motorcycle rush over to you. "CALL AN AMBULANCE! PLEASE!" You yelled.

The person pulled out his phone and called. "Yes! Hello! I need an ambulance! We're on (street name in your town)! And hurry!" He clicked the phone off as you stared at him in shock.



They tried to get you out of the ambulance but you refused to leave Alfred's side. After some yelling they finally gave up and let you ride to the hospital.

The ride was silent, only the quiet sound of Alfred's breathing.

You held your breath as more tears started to flow.

'I hurt Alfred, it's all my fault! If I never walked in the street he would be fine...!' You rapidly thought.

You squeezed his hand, and worst part was that he didn't squeeze back.

You arrived at the hospital and they finally pulled you away.

"I-I'm so sorry miss, but you can't go into surgery with him." The nurse calmly said.

Though you didn't like it, you nodded and sat down in the waiting room, staring at your shaking hands.

A gust of wind came through and standing in the doorway was a very white Mathias with glossy eyes. He rushed over to you.

"I-is he OK?! God I'm an idiot like Lukas always says!" He frantically panicked, taking a seat next to you. "I'm so sorry _____!!"

You just kept looking at your hands. "H-he's in surgery right now. . ." You mumbled.

"_____ I-" He started but you interrupted.

"I know. . ."

He stayed silent after that. Mathias' ears perked up by the sound of the door again. This time it was Gilbert and Arthur, both looking frantic.

They did the same thing and rushed over to you. You held up your hand as to quiet them.

"He's i-in surgery. . ." You stuttered, trying not to cry.

"Put your hand down! What happened!?" Alfred demanded.

"W-we were j-just walking across t-the street w-when he pushed me out of the way and. . . got h-hit. . ." You cried again, putting your face in your hands.

"So if it wasn't for him you'd be dead? Damn it Alfred! Always trying to be the bloody hero!" Alfred exclaimed.

"A-Arthur. . .?" You asked.

"Don't talk to me! You're the reason why he's here! You damned idiot!" He huffed, anger swirling in his green eyes.

Your (e/c) eyes started to tear up again. "I-I'm sorry. . ."

He crossed his arms. I. said. Don't. Talk. To. Me. Bloody git!" With that, he walked up to the reception desk.

The doors opened. "Alfred?" A woman with brown hair in a tight bun said opening the door.

You all got up.

"Good. He's in room 4 on the left but I have some bad news. . ." She sighed.

You listened, thinking the worse scenario had happened. 'What if he died in surgery, and it's all my fault!?'

"I'm happy to say Alfred Jones in fine but. . ."

"What?!" Arthur demanded.

"Alfred's in a coma."

Those four words made your whole world fall apart.








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