Day 4

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This chapter is dedicated to @TheLegendWriter thanks for the awesome idea!!

"Stupido Antonio! How dare he drag me here! It's not fair! I have a social life too!" An Italian muttered, kicking some dirt. "I totally want to spend my summer here!" His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"Oy! Roma hola~!" Antonio smiled, waving him over.

Romano rolled his eyes. "Vaffanculo. When can I go home? And why am I here tomato bastard?" He groaned.

"I need your help. We need to help _____ and Arthur." Antonio smiled.

"Who the fuck is _____? And why would I want to help Arthur?" He spat.

"Don't be that way~! _____ is Alfred's girlfriend. She'd be delighted to meet you." He wiggled his eyebrows.

Romano sighed, light blush dusting his cheeks as he pouted. "Fine. I'll help you."

"That's my Roma!" Antonio tackled the grumpy Italian.

The redness of his face darkened. "G-G-Get off me bastard!" Romano stuttered.

You woke up when the sunlight hit your face, but something was definitely different. The sterile smell, bright light. You fluttered your (e/c) orbs open. You were in a hospital. Which means that you feel asleep with Alfred.

"Good morning _____." Alfred smiled.

You returned it. "Did I sleep here last night? And the doctors and nurses allowed it?" You said, amused.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess."

"So when are you going to be allowed to leave this place?" You asked.

He shrugged. "I think the doctor said some time next week since I was lucky. No major injuries dudette!" Alfred said in his 'hero voice'.

You giggled. "That's great!" You paused. "You know, the school's pretty empty without you Aflie."

"I know." He snuggled your hair and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to his warm touch.

"But it'll be over in four days," You frowned and looked at the clock. "Crap! I have to go or I'll be late!"

You tried to get away, but the American held you tight. "Don't go."

"I have to. I'll be back as soon as I'm done."


You smiled. "Promise."


"How long do I have to stay here?....What?! Why?!...Okay, okay...Fine tomato bastard. Yeah, yeah, ciao.." Romano hung up the phone just as you walked in.

"Hello." You said awkwardly.

"Ciao. I'm Romano. You must be (name close to yours)." He rolled his eyes.

"_____. It's _____."


"You don't have to be so rude. And why the hell are you here anyway?" You demanded, crossing your arms across your chest.

"No clue. My stupid friend begged me to be here. Something about fixing the relationship between you and Arthur." He copied your action and crossed his arms.

"Ugh! People need to stop getting involved. I'm sure Mathias but you up to this?" You rolled your eyes.

"No, Toni, Gilbert, and Francis."

"Of course they did." You sighed. "Well thanks for the thought, Romado-"


"-Whatever, but I don't need help."

The Summer Cleaning Countdown! [America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now