Day 11

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(Give me your thoughts on the new cover~! I personally like this one a lot better! It catches your eye more and is more colorful~!)

So here you were sitting on a hard bleacher in the brutal end-of-June heat. "Alfred better win!" You grumbled to yourself.

"Don't worry chica~ Alfred will~!" You turned to your right and saw a brunette with green eyes. "I'm Antonio by the way~!"

"_____. It's nice to meet you Antonio. So you really think he'll win?"

"Oh si! He said he's going to play for a very special girl!" He smiled.

You couldn't help but die a little inside when he said it was another girl, even though you were basically already dead inside. Probably Natalia, you thought. "Oh really?"

"Si! He said he loves her and is going to win for her today~!"

"Oh. That's cool. . ." You mumbled sadly.

"What's wrong chica?"

"Nothing Antonio, I'm just really hot. . ."

"Yeah, Alfred thinks so too~"

You blushed and hid your face at the Spaniard's comment.

"Ohonhonhon~! What are we talking about Toni~!" A French voice said.

You looked over and a blonde sat on your left.

"Hola Francis~! We're talking about today's game and how Alfred's playing for a certain girl's heart~!"

"Oui, I heard that too~ I wonder who it is?"

"Probably Natalia." You said with a blank face.

"I don't think so chica. . .Natalia would rather punch him. . . Right Francis?"

"Yes, plus she wants Ivan."

"Oh. Then Elizaveta?"

"No! No! He's deadly afraid of her frying pan!"

"As am I!"

"Afraid of little old me? Awe you shouldn't have!" All three of you turned around and came face-to-face with said Hungarian. "Now scat and leave _____ alone!"

The two boys shook in their shoes and ran away.

"Thanks Liz!"

"No problem! They can get annoying can't they?"

You nodded. "Yes. Totally."

"Hello love. Did I miss anything?" A British accent said. You turned to where Antonio was sitting, and there sat Arthur. Liz took the spot where Francis was.

"Hey Arthur! And no, they're just starting now." You greeted with a smile.

"Brilliant. I wouldn't want to miss this!"

"What's so important about this football game?" You asked confused.

Arthur smirked lightly. "Oh you'll find out soon. . ."

You looked at Elizaveta and shrugged. "OK then. . .?"

"Look _____! Here come the players!" Arthur said and there was Alfred and his teammates running across the field.

Alfred's POV

As I ran, thought of _____. I started to search the bleachers with me eyes for her. Finally I saw her, she was sitting next to Arthur and Elizaveta.

Her (h/c) hair was blowing slightly in the breeze, and her (e/c) eyes were sparkling in the summer sun. She looked like an angel.

"Ready Alfred?!" Gilbert called.

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