Day 14

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You arrived at school at 7:00.

No Alfred.


You turned the knob and...It was locked.

Even greater.

You walked over to the intercom box and pressed the little green button.

"Hello?" A familiar male voice asked.


"Who is this?"

You sighed. "This is _____ Alfred, I can't get inside the door is locked." You tapped your foot impatiently.

"Who's _____?" You could hear him laughing in the background.

"ALFRED! JUST LET ME IN THE SCHOOL IDIOT!" You yelled into the speaker.

"OW! My ear was on the speaker!"

You snickered. "If you just let me in that wouldn't have happened now would it?!"

"Geez! Fine, I'll let you in." You heard a click and the door unlocked. You walked into the school with a smile on your face and doughnuts in your hand. You immediately got tackled by a certain American.

"What the hell?!" You questioned.

"I just wanted a doughnut dude!" He looked down at you. Alfred had you pinned on the floor, he was holding both your wrists with one hand.

"Get off me Alfred!" You screamed.

"Not until I get a doughnut." He smiled.

You rolled your (e/c) eyes. "Well you won't get one until you let go of my wrists and get off me." You smirked.

He sighed, "You're no fun!" He got off you and let go.

"What's wrong with you today?" You got off the cold floor and handed him a small bag of the circular treat he had attacked you for.

"What do you mean?" He said with a doughnut in his mouth.

"Why are you acting... nice?"

"I've got a rep to uphold at school ya know."

"Oh." You were still confused.



"Yeah, thanks for the doughnuts dudette!"

"Oh. Your welcome?" You said scooting away from him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sliding right next to me.

"Oh, nothing." You said, getting up from the floor.

Alfred squinted his eyes out of suspicion. "You sure..?"

"Yeah." You mumbled.

"OK!" Alfred smiled and got off the floor too. "Let's go find a janitor _____!" He grabbed a hold of your hand and ran down the hall, your (h/l) (h/c) blowing behind you.

After 10 minutes of running and Alfred squeezing the life out of your hand, you finally found janitor. He was wearing blue overalls and was semi bald. His name tag said the most stereotypical name for a janitor ever. "Joe." (If your name's Joe, SORRY!)

"Hello. We're here to help." You smiled a bit to seem friendly.

"OK, My name's Joe. Go to the supply closet and get two mops and water buckets." He said without a smile.

"Alright!" Alfred responded, still holding your hand. Woah, deja vu. (If that's how you spell it?) Alfred pulled my hand Like this in my dream too. You thought. You and Alfred went to find the supply closet.

"Alfred?" You asked, still being pulled.


"Do you even know where the supply closet is?"

"Yeah of course I do!.....No.." He frowned.

You sighed. "It's right by the Cafeteria. Turn right!"

"Alrighty!" He grinned and you finally made it to the supply closet.

"Uh Alfred?"

"Yeah _____?"

"Can you let...uh...go of my hand now?" You asked awkwardly looking at the floor.

"Oh! Uh...yeah. Sure _____." He shuffled his feet a little and let go of your hand.

"Thanks Alfred." You smiled at him and opened the door to the closet.

2 mops and buckets. Right there just like Joe said. You grabbed one. "Here Alfred." He took it and opened his mouth like he was going to say something but closed it quickly. "What?"

"You don't have to call me Alfred you know, right?"

"I just thought-" You started to say but was interrupted by Alfred.

"You can call me Al or Alfie."

"That's funny, because yesterday you told me to call you nothing but Alfred." You laughed dryly.

"Yeah but-"

"But what?" You questioned the blonde before you.

"I thought-"

"You thought what? That today would be different?"

"Yeah but-"

"The bottom line is you are a bully Alfred. My bully. I've been scared of you since 3rd grade. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some mopping to do." You pushed Alfred aside and walked away with your mop in hand.

You felt a hand on your shoulder and shuddered.

"Y-You're scared of me _____?"


Alfred looked at you with wide eyes. "But why? I was only playing aroun-" He sounded afraid.

"Why? Because every day after class and lunch and recess and after school I would run. Away from you. You hurt me Alfred. Slamming me against my locker is playing around?" You locked your (e/c) eyes with his azure ones.


"But nothing. Just....Just leave me alone...Please."

You ran. You ran like you always did.

Tears streaming down your cheeks.


Such a sad chapter I know!

But it needed to happen face it.

but YAY! Reader-chan stood up to bully Alfred!

This is probably going to be the last chapter for a while because I'm going to be in Italy for a week on vacation. I might update on the plane...IDK though.




'till next time!


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