The Summer Cleaning Countdown Begins

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( I decided to change the name to better fit the story! Sorry but I hope you like the new name and story description!)

You walked out of class and headed toward your locker. Just the same as any day.

Covered in paint and sticky notes. They always say the same thing:

Haha Loser!



And even...

Go stand in front of a bus!

You've learned to get used to them all. The only people you trusted were your friends. Arthur, Vash, Lily, Gilbert, Elizaveta, Roderich, and Ivan.

You have also learned to stick to Ivan because Alfred and his group of jerks were afraid of him. You and Ivan always walked to and back home from school everyday.

For once today was different. Ivan had to leave school early because of a dentist's appointment.

You were left alone, without your scary (as Alfred says) friend. You're in trouble now.

"Where do you think you're going loser?"

You turned around and saw Alfred.

"I'm just leaving Al."

He grabbed your shoulders and slammed you against your locker. "You don't get to call me anything but Alfred! Clear?"

"Crystal." You said through clenched teeth.

"I can't hear you!"

You looked away and saw Alfred smirk from the corner of your eye. "Leave me alone!" You were shaking.

"What did you say?"

Today was different. You're going to stick up to him. You looked straight into his eyes. "I-I said Leave me alone! I'm sick and tired of being afraid of you!"

He smiled and gave a slight chuckle. Alfred went to open up his mouth but was interrupted.

"You might want to let go, da?" Standing right behind Alfred was Ivan with his smile that seemed awesome to you, but a nightmare to Alfred and his 'friends'.

"Da Ivan! Boy am I happy to see you!" You smiled.

"Ivan? Y-you're supposed to b-be at the d-dentist." Alfred stuttered, grasping your shoulders tighter.

"My mom got the wrong day and I forgot my math text book. Like I said you might want to leave _____ alone, da Al?"

"You tell him Ivan!" You laughed and looked into Alfred's eyes. He was afraid, just like you were. "Awe, is little Alfie afraid of big scary Ivan?" You teased.

"N-no I'm not _____!" He grabbed your shoulders even tighter.

"Ow! I guess I do have a name other than loser or nerd in your eyes huh?" You sighed. "Let go of me Alfred and do yourself a favor."


"Go ahead, do your worst." You closed your eyes and prepared for pain.

"Hey what are you two doing?! In my office now!"

Oh no.

Principal Rome!

Alfred finally let go of your shoulders.

"NOW!" Mr. Rome repeated and you and Alfred ran into his office.


"Fighting is not tolerated in my school Mr. Jones and Ms. (last name). I can have both of you expelled."

"I'm very sorry Mr. Rome, it won't happen again." You said, looking down.

Alfred looked shocked for a moment then responded pointing to you."Yeah, what she said."

You rolled your (e/c) eyes at his response.

"This is a serious matter Jones. You will treat it as such!"

"Sorry Mr. Rome."

Ivan grabbed his textbook and left just before the principal came. Lucky duck.

"I'm sorry but I can't just let this slide under the radar. _____ and Alfred, this summer for 2 weeks, you both will have to clean and help out the janitors, excluding weekends."

"What?!" Alfred exclaimed.

"Alright Mr. Rome." You gave in.

Alfred grabbed your shoulders again. "How can you take this as a punishment _____?!"

"First of all, I don't care. Second of all I don't do anything interesting that I would kill to do in the summer. And third of all, why do you care? You're going to summer school anyways Al." You looked into his azure eyes and smiled.

"Mr. Rome I have things to do this summer! I can't spend 2 weeks of it at school cleaning all day! Especially with _____!" Alfred continued to shake my shoulders.

"It won't be all day Mr. Jones, just until 3:00. And why don't you like _____? She's a wonderful young lady.""

"That's practically my whole day! And sure, have the adults stick up for you nerd!"

You blushed but had a good comeback. "I thought you wake up at 3:00 in summer, Al." You chuckled.

"I told you to call me Alfred loser!" He growled.

"I won't have any of that Mr. Jones. Either you stay at school this summer or you and _____ are expelled from this high school!"

He sighed. "Fine..."

"It's good to see you both agree on something for a change. Now out of my office." Mr. Rome smiled at us as you both left.

Looks like I just booked my entire summer.

With Alfred...

Boy am I screwed.

The Summer Cleaning Countdown! [America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now