Day 1

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You woke up in a different bed. Oh right, Romano had me stay over. With a stretch and a sigh, you got out of bed and walked downstairs.

Romano and Feliciano were curled up next to each other. Feli was hugging Romano and the usually hot-headed Italian was hugging him back.

You would've smiled if it wasn't for the situation last night. You couldn't seem to smile.

Walking into the kitchen, you spotted a note pad.

How to make _____ smile:

~ Make pasta (failed)

~ Laugh and tell jokes (failed)

~ Favorite movie (failed)

~ Fancy breakfast (not yet tried)

It was some kind of list. You shook your head and tore the page out of the notebook. You grabbed a pen and wrote:

Dear Romano and Feliciano,

I appreciate that you care for me and let me stay over but I am going home. I don't know when you will read this note because you are asleep currently. I do not want to bother you.

Thanks again,


Happy with the letter, you set it on the two brothers and took your leave. You started walking down the street towards your house when you remembered that it's the last day you have to clean the school. You would've planned something special for Alfred, but he went back into a coma.

Sighing, you took the turn towards your school.


As you opened the door you had a flashback of the first day.

>Flash back begins<

I arrived at school at 7:00.

No Alfred.


I turned the knob and...It was locked.

Even greater.

I walked over to the intercom box and pressed the little green button.

"Hello?" A familiar male voice asked.


"Who is this?"

I sighed. "This is _____ Alfred, I can't get inside the door is locked." I tapped my foot impatiently.

"Who's _____?" I could hear him laughing in the background.

"ALFRED! JUST LET ME IN THE SCHOOL IDIOT!" I yelled into the speaker.

"OW! My ear was on the speaker!"

I snickered. "If you just let me in that wouldn't have happened now would it?!"

>End Flashback<

You felt a tear fall down your face and quickly wiped it away. You wouldn't let yourself cry again. It was pathetic, or that's what you thought. It's perfectly okay to cry but you didn't want anyone to think you're weak.

You would stay strong.

Since yesterday, you just didn't feel like eating or even seeing people. You wouldn't laugh or smile. He was, and still is, the love of your life.

The Summer Cleaning Countdown! [America x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now