Day 12

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(I'm sorry if you're on a phone, wattpad is being really mean! So you can't view it, only on a computer!)

I was just leaving my house to walk to school, when I heard a car horn behind me.

I turned around, and sitting right there in his truck was Alfred.

"_____! C'mon, I'll give you a lift!" He honked the horn again.

I once again rolled my (e/c) eyes and walked towards him.

I slid in the front seat, he smiled at me.

I smiled back, he really did have a cute smile. Even if he was a huge jerk only a few days ago.

"Hey doughnut! Ready?"

"Yeah I guess..."

We both drove in the car, it was silent for a while until Alfred broke it.

"Hey _____?"

"Hmm? Yeah?" I stopped gazing out the window and looked Alfred in the eyes.

"Well...I was wondering if..." He trailed off and gripped the steering wheel tighter.




"I'm sorry..I didn't mean to--"

"ALFIE! I didn't hear what you said! Repite, por favor!"

"I asked...If you wanted to come to my football game tomorrow?"

I thought about t for a minute. Me? Go to a football game? "I don't know Alfie. . ."

"Oh please, please, please! Please come and cheer me on! I think it would really help! If we don't win this game, then we can't go on to the finals!" Alfred pleaded.

The finals? I don't think. . . "Sure, but I don't think me going will make much  of a difference Alfred. . ." I shrugged.

"It will make the greatest difference! And after, you can meet the guys~!"

"Your football friends?" I gulped.

"Yeah~! They've been dying to meet you~!"

"Why? I thought you didn't tell them about. . ." I gestured around me. "This. . ."

"No, but I told them about this. . ." He poked me on the forehead.

"Me? You told them about me?"

"Well yeah of course I did~!" He smiled.

"What did you tell them Alfie?"

"I told them about an awesome (h/c) girl with (e/c) eyes that shone like the sun itself." He looked into my eyes.

"Right..." I rolled my eyes and immediately looked down at my converse shoes. And then there was silence. I didn't even try to answer, or even say 'thank you'. It was probably a trap.

Alfred's POV

_____ wasn't responding other than her sarcastic remark and I was getting nervous. Maybe I didn't say it right?

I looked down at the piece of paper in my hands.


I said it exactly as Arthur wrote it.

Yeah I admit t was kinda lame of me to ask him, but he was much better with the girls. And Arthur is _____'s friend after all.

Arthur told me to 'flatter her, make her feel special' and then the next part he said was mean, 'don't act like your normal attention-whore self!'.

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