The day I became a Savage 11-6-16

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So, you're probably wondering where 'Savage' came from. Well this is the day I became savage. So, I was having a bad couple days and Cameron was being a good friend, and helping me through these days. Well, at youth group I hugged him when I saw him. He let me Wear his sweatshirt during youth group. It kinda smelled like an old basement, but it was fine because it was warm and comforting. The lesson was about what Conrad's sister, Casey, and I were talking about the other day. People have options in bad situations. They can turn their backs away from God, or they can rely on God, and trust his plan. Also, it was about that God created bad things for you to make a choice. Free will. At the end, I sat next to Conrad and Ashleigh was sitting behind me shoving brownies in my mouth. Ashleigh was being a photographer. She took a picture of Cameron and I.

Later, when I got home, I texted Isaac. He wasn't at youth group tonight because he was sick.

Me: But I ended up taking Cameron's hoodie and wearing it.
Isaac: oh you Savage

Then from then on, Ashleigh and I started saying Savage a lot, and considered ourselves savages.

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