Dear senior Ashleigh

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Dear senior Ashleigh,
     So, I guess we did it, didn't we? I mean, I hope we did. If we didn't, that would be tragic.
     I can't predict the future. I'm not Jesus, sadly. Like, you could be dead now, but let's hope not. But, I'd prob be dead too. I don't know if you're in Gaylord or Michigan anymore. I don't know if we are friends anymore. But, no matter what this unpredictable life brings, I will always call you my best friend. Weather you like it or not. I will always think of our memories together. How we stayed up really late having deep conversations, or just being goof balls. Me taking 5 hour naps at your house almost every Sunday before youth group. Going on walks, talking about life. Looking at the sunset. Before I met you, I was a wreck, but you and the family showed me a light and I am so so thankful that God put you guys into my life. God surely had everything planned out the day we met, pizza of course. Haha. You have changed my life, and I hope you follow your dreams to be a missionary and continue changing peoples life's. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. I hope that you will never forget about me. I will always have my arms open for you to come back to. I will never forget you, my best friend, sister through Christ.
     Sincerely, the only giraffe friend you'll have write you a letter, Ally.

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