Authors note

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     So, that's what I did. I stopped going to youth group, and I pushed everyone away. It hurt even more because no one called, texted, or checked up on me asking where I was, or how I was. Dave told us that there was going to be a lot of spiritual warfare during the summer, but I brushed it to the side. But, he was right. He was so right. Satan pushed all these thoughts about how everyone was pretending to be my friend. And, the more I thought about them, the more real they seemed. So, I said some things I didn't mean.
     There was so much that happened that summer. I had to go to my baby nieces funeral. I held her in my arms after she was born. At the time, there was a murder case going on about her death, so that was insane. I was still upset about 2017 being over cuz that was the best, happiest year of my whole life. We were supposed to be moving. I had all my stuff packed. And all of satans lies going through my mind.

     There would be times I took a shower just to cry. When my parents left, I found myself crying to the point where I got sick. There was so many times I just wanted to give up. I thought I had no one. But, I did have someone. I started reaching towards God again.
     God placed people in my life to help me. He placed my best friend, Daniel in my life. Who talked me out of ending my life that summer. He stayed up late talking to me at times to make sure I was okay. He was always there for me to talk to. I also had my friend Liv, who I called multiple times when I couldn't lift myself off the floor from crying. She sat there on the other end of the phone until she knew I could breathe again. And, it got super bad again at one point, but my two best friends, Madashia, and Julianna came to Gaylord and we all hung out, and they made me laugh and smile again. Things I haven't done in a while. That was the best thing God could give me that summer. Those girls mean the whole world to me.
     My sophomore year started and I had so much hope that it was going to be a good year, and it has been so far. And at one point, I decided it was time to move on from all this. To make new amazing friends and new favorite memories. But, it's not as easy as it sounds. These people are still so important to me cuz I have so many memories and inside jokes with them. These people had brought me out of a dark time in my life, and brought me closer to God and I am very thankful for that.
     I decided to finish this project so I could start a new one with the people in my life now, all the new adventures I'm going to make, and my new memories. Through this experience, I think it's possible for the brain to scar over memories that cause too much pain. I think this because, at one point, these were all my favorite memories. I knew everything about them. To make this, I was looking at my journal entries , so I could write about them. There's so much that went missing in my memory.
     Life may be hard at times, but don't push people away. Talk to them. You might lose some pretty great people. Hold the people close that feel like home. The people who make you, a better you. The people who can make you laugh while you cry. The people who you can call your family. These people are important and rare. Hold them close, and don't let go.
And don't be afraid to try new things. You might meet new people who you will call a family. Don't hide yourself from the world. The world needs you. Shine your light.

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