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regret in your tears_____

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regret in your tears

Dedicated to kenzoffcfan
for being interested in my books


"Can I at least see our baby?" I asked Johnny, my eyes hanging on his lips, eagerly waiting for his answer.
"Listen, I- I already asked them to see the baby, but they refused to let me see it." he answered and shook his head.
My eyes widened and I stared at him in shock.
"What were you just telling me? The- They won't let us see our own baby?"
He sighed and stared at his feets again, before he looked back at me with a hopeful face expression.
"You can ask the nurse again if you want, maybe she'll change her mind, since you're the mother."

I nodded in response and pushed the red button, on the right side besides the hospital bed.
I mentally prepared myself for the conversation, because I knew that this nurse would pitch my anger to the highest again. I litteraly could feel it.

The door swung open and Ms. Lewis, the nurse came in again.
"How may I help you Ms. Ziegler and Mr. Orlando?"
"Yes, we would love to see our baby, Ms. Lewis."
I replied with my voice as sweet as cake.
The nurse shook her head, giving us a sad smile.
"I'm sorry Ms. Ziegler and Mr. Orlando, but I can't let you see the baby."
I smiled even brighter than I did before, then I replied with a sassy but still sweet attitude.
"Oh no, you didn't get what I was saying. Let me repeat it for you. Give me my baby, now!"
Her face turned pale and she looked confused for a split second, before gaining her normal attitude back.
"Well, like I said before, I can't let you see the baby. Both of you are in a bad condition because you just lost your baby and if I would let you see it, it would most likely cause too much mental pain for the both of you."
I felt my hands forming into fists and my whole body tensed up at her words.
"I said let me see my baby. I am the mother of the baby and I know that I have a right to see my baby if I want to. And so does he." I hissed at her and pointed my index finger over to Johnny.
"I'm sorry Ms. Ziegler and Mr. Orlando, but your right to see your baby was taken away when it died, it's always like this. No one is allowed to see their dead baby and I had a lot conversations like the one I have with you right now."
She explained with a honestly sad look on her face.

I almost believed her that she was sorry, but then I remembered myself that it's just her job to calm the parents of the dead baby down. She didn't do her job well. I was mad as fuck and I wanted to chocke her to death and then rip her throat out of her lifeless body.

The nurse started talking again but I cut her of.
"It's Ms. Ziegler to you, thank you."
She sighed, obviously slightly annoyed, but I had less to care.
"Ms. Ziegler, you have to stay here in the hospital for a week, because we need to check up on your physical and mental condition. If nothing negative happens in the following week you can leave the hospital and go home."
I slowly nodded my head. I had given up on trying to get to see my own baby. I knew I had no chance.
"And Mr. Orlando, you can stay here with her if you want. We can prepare a bed for you in this room."
The nurse continued talking without paying attention to me anymore.


I legit finished writing this chapter at 1:53am I feel like this is so emotional.😥

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