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nice to meet you_____

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nice to meet you

dedicated to glowyjenzie
for paricipating in this book you'll be in the next chapter


I again woke up around 2 pm, lying next to Johnny. "Ugh, fuck. John, wake up." I said and shook his body. "No, now I'm the one who doesn't want to get up." he mumbled with closed eyes. What a lazyass. I smirked and leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Well, don't you want to know what I was asking the girl on the phone last night?" His head shot up and he propped himself up on his elbows.

"I am listening, tell me more." he answered and flashed me a million dollar smile. "Okay," I started and sat up. "Last night, I called an old childhoodfriend of mine. Her name is Faith, she's a beautiful, sweet girl, but she is also very sassy sometimes. You can only decide, whether you hate her or you lover her, there's nothing in between." I paused to look at Johnny, his face expression was normal, I didn't know if this was good or not. "I needed an advice from her. I asked her something I was thinking about." I said as Johnny shifted closer to me, seeming interested. "I asked her if I should go back to my parents." With closed eyes I heard him taking a deep breath.

"And what do you want to do now?" He asked and I opened my eyes while he ran his fingers through his hair. "She said that I shouldn't do it, because I built myself a life with you and I know shouldn't make two steps back." I answered and grabbed his hands. I looked him in the eyes. "John, I promise I'll stay with you. I was just... confused, you know? I felt lost, but now I know that I have you in my life and I know that you'll always be by my side." He sighed in relief and a hidden smile crept up his face, eyes sparkling.
"You can count on me. I'll always be there for you, no matter what." He said and squeezed my hands a little.

"One more thing," I said and he raised an eyebrow. "I wanna visit them." I said and Johnny immediately forrowed his eyebrows and tensed up. "Kenz, I don't think tha-" he started his sentence, but I cut him off. "No, no! Wait, babe. Don't you think they deserve... at least an explanation? They're worried about us, they even thought that we were kidnapped! Please, Johnny, only one day and we'll go back to our own house."

"I don't know, what if they don't want to see us? What if they're mad at us?" he asked worried. "They won't be mad, I told you I met Maddie in front of the hospital and she was very shocked. She was so relieved that I was alive." I said and looked at him.

He knew that I was right and he also knew how much I missed my family. I was pretty sure that he missed his family too, especially Lauren. I honestly missed her too.

"Okay fine. When?" he asked after he agreed.
"I suppose tomorrow, since we broke up the contact and don't have their phone numbers. I mean, we still know the adresses." I suggested with a smile plastered on my face.

"Okay, then we'll visit them tomorrow." he said and smiled at me. "And now come here, I don't want to get up." he demanded while pulling me onto his lap, pressing my upper body onto his chest, making me lay down.

"No, John! We have to get up, it's already noon." I said and tried to pull myself away from him, but he forced me back and I again fell onto his chest. "No, I mean what would we even do? We don't even attend college, talking about that, we should look for jobs." he pouted, not loosening his grip. "Let's just not think about it. I'd rather think about tomorrow, I have no idea how to explain everything to them." I said and rested my head on his chest.

I relaxed my body and listened to his heartbeat, when suddenly my phone started ringing.


it's freezing cold rn and I can barely write cuz sister is shaking❄

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