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Harry hadn't said a word since the battle ended. Since Tom was finally brought to his end. Blood, bodies and rubble lay scattered all over the castle grounds, and as Harry looked around, he felt all the pain. All the guilt, he had taken all of these peoples lives away, it was his fault. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around. It was Hermione, all beaten and bloodied up, tears streaming silently down her face.

"Come in Harry, everyone wants to see you. None of this is your fault, nobody blames you for anything." And she walked back inside. Harry knew otherwise. Everything was his fault. If he had never been the stupid 'chosen one' then none of this would have happened.

Everyone seemed to be inside, but just on the other side of the courtyard stood a boy, no older than Harry himself, who had pale blonde hair. Harry recognised him as Draco Malfoy, another 7th year. Harry wasn't entirely sure which side Malfoy had fought on during the war, but he knew his parents were sided with Voldemort. Harry saw Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy be taken away before their trials, to see whether they would be locked away for their crimes with Voldemort or not. He kind of felt sorry for Malfoy, but dared not to say it.

Harry started to head inside, after going to the owlery and writing a letter to the ministry. He needed to know who wasn't there anymore, as much as it killed him. People started throwing him looks, not mean looks, but not nice either. Harry spotted the Weasley's crouched over Fred's body, sobbing into each other. He walked forward a bit, and then sat by Remus and Tonks' bodies. The last marauder and his wife, gone. They had a child together, now orphaned just like Harry was. He pushed the thoughts of his little blue haired Godson out of his mind, and held Lupin's hand, tears threatening to fall.

Harry looked up and saw Mrs Weasley, staring right back at him. She gestured for him to come and stand by her, so he reluctantly walked over and was engulfed in hugs. He didn't want to look at the body. It was his fault that a Weasley was dead. All they had ever done was protect, feed and love him like their own, and this is how he repays them.

Harry sobbed as Mrs Weasley pulled him into a hug. He could feel her sorrow as she hugged him and pushed away. "You don't need to be sorry Harry. I'm just glad your okay." She said, reading his thoughts, then turned back to her son. Harry got up and walked away, unable to watch as they mourned over Fred. He couldn't even bare to look at George, knowing how lost he must feel to have his other half ripped away.

Some students went back home with their families, but most went back on the train, Harry was one of those. The Weasley's offered to bring Harry back to the burrow, but he couldn't stand it. So, he just shook his head and ran off without a word. The Dursley's would want him back anyway. Without Harry, who would cook their dinners and clean up the house? Who would they pummel and beat until they were happy? The Weasley family and Hermione watched as Harry got onto the train without saying another word.

Harry found an empty compartment on the Hogwarts express, and sat in silence. The train didn't have the same happy magic than it did when Harry first boarded it in his 1st year, when he first met Ron and Hermione. Everyone on the train seemed to have someone to sit with, to talk to, to find comfort with. But Harry sat alone. The train headed off and just a little bit into the journey, his compartment door opened. Malfoy stood there, not holding his usual posh posture but looking more broken.

"Oh, Potter. Mind if I sit? Everywhere else is full." Malfoy asked. Harry slowly nodded his head. He knew that the blonde boy in front of him was forced into getting the dark mark. Harry saw the look on his face the night he was on the astronomy tower. He didn't belong with the others. His thoughts were finalised when Malfoy didn't out him when they were in Malfoy Manor after being caught by the snatchers.

The two boys sat in an awkward silence for a while. Harry didn't feel like talking. He hadn't since he got rid of Voldemort. He felt like every word he could say would make everything worse, another person would fall dead at the tip of his tongue. "Not so talkative, eh Potter?" Malfoy sneered. Glad to see he hasn't changed. Malfoy must've seen the look on Harry's face, because he quickly said "sorry, old habits in awkward situations." Harry just nodded and looked out the window.

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