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Hermione and Ginny slipped into the room, being quiet in case Harry was sleeping. But when they arrived, they saw the two boys lip locked. Ginny smirked at Hermione and Hermione grinned deviously. They tip toed closer to the boys then started making cooey and smoochey sounds.

Draco jumped off Harry and grabbed the chair, holding it up whilst Harry just sat there, not quite fully taking in what was happening. "Merlin, it's just you two. You gave me a heart attack!" Malfoy sighed, but Hermione had already rushed up to Harry.

"Harry, are you alright? How are you feeling! Has Madame Pomfrey checked up on you, I can do it if you want I know all the spells-" Harry laughed at Hermione and she turned light pink.

Ginny noticed Harry and Draco still holding hands and whispered something to Hermione, who just giggled. "What? What is it?" Draco asked as the girls giggled further. "How's that straddle and snog action working out for you?" Ginny snorted.

Draco grinned, obviously proud of his progress with the boy whilst Harry madly blushed. "But really, Harry. Are you feeling okay?" Hermione pondered anxiously. "To be honest with you, no. But I'm better than I was that night. It was something Ron said that triggered something in my head and pushed me over the edge. Literally, I suppose!" He laughed half heartedly but stopped, seeing everyone else's glares.

"Too soon for jokes? Okay." He smiled. Hermione and Ginny sighed, relieved that Harry was up and talking. Harry looked up and saw Draco looking at him in a kind of awe. "What, what is it?" He asked. "You made a joke! Sure, it wasn't appropriate for the time, but it's still progress!" Draco grinned childishly. "Oh!" Harry said, blushing.

"Look at you two, blushing every other second," Ginny laughed. The four talked for a while, avoiding the topic of a certain ginger haired bastard. That was until, he walked in.

Draco leapt off from his seat and punched Ron right around the jaw. "Get your filthy faggot hands off me!" He growled. "RONALD!" Ginny screeched as she jumped up. "Get out of the way Ginevra, why are you protecting him, he cheated on you!" Ron and Ginny argued, before Ron pushed Ginny to the floor and stalked up to Harry's bed.

"I just wanted to say, I wish that you died when you 'fell off your broom'. Faggots don't deserve to live," he spat. "Now come on, Hermione, I don't want to be here anymore." Hermione then punched Ron square in the nose.

"You can't honestly expect me to leave with you!" Hermione screeched, her face contorted with a mix of emotions. "You disgust me Ronald Weasley and I can't even look at you without wanting to personally murder you myself. If you hadn't guessed it, I'm through with you. Never expect me to take you back you evil cockroach!" She hissed.

Ron looked at her in pure shock, before spinning and starting to run out when he felt Harry's hand on his shoulder. "Please, Ron. I'm willing to forgive if you can learn to accept me. I don't want to lose you now, after everything we've been through together. You're my best friend Ron. You've helped me through dark times and I've helped you through yours. Please don't throw away these past eight years over some small thing. I need you Ron and you need me too."

Ron looked sympathetic, before realising why they were there in the first place. "Do me a favour? Take this and finish the job. You don't belong here." He spat, chucked something in Harry's hands. Harry looked down to see a shiny, silver blade.

"I was using your toilet once and found it there. My plan was to flush it down the toilet, but I wanted to confront you on it first," he smirked, looking at Harry's arms. "But now, I just want to give it back. Use it for the greater good." He hissed, then stormed out.

Harry pocketed the blade and went back inside the hospital wing where Draco was pacing a corner, mumbling curses to himself and Ginny was comforting Hermione once again. "Ron said he's leaving Hogwarts. You don't ever have to even look at him again," Ginny nodded.

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now