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Harry, Ron and Hermione walked down to breakfast together the next morning, to find that an extra, shorter table had been added to the hall. "It's for the 8th years," Hermione said, walking forwards. "And how do you know that?" Ron asked. "There was a sign on the door, Ronald. If you had taken your eyes off of the food, then maybe you would've noticed."

Harry was brought back to 3rd year on the train to hogwarts, where they had first met Lupin. It was so strange to think that he wasn't here anymore. Neither is Tonks. All that's left of them is Teddy Lupin, Harry's Godson. Harry knew that when he gets out of school, he'd have to take Teddy into his custody. That is what Godfathers are there for, after all.

They sat next to a couple of Ravenclaws and Harry picked up a couple of grapes. He thought about what Malfoy would say if he was there. In fact, he wouldn't say anything, just pile food onto Harry's plate. Thinking about it now, where was Draco? Harry hadn't seen him since he kind of outed himself last night.

That's when a thought popped into his head. "Ron?" He asked, looking at the red headed boy who was currently shoving egg into his mouth. "Yeah?" He muffled, not even bothering to wait until he had finished his mouthful. "What do the ministry do to gay wizards?"

Ron almost choked on his food, then finally put his fork down. "Azkaban of course. Horrid things, gay wizards are. Mum always told me to respect all wizards alike, but the gay ones are horrible." He said, almost shivering at the thought. Harry felt his heart drop. His best friend, couldn't accept him. That's if, he was actually gay of course.

"Ronald! I cannot believe you would say something like that! Gay or not, they are humans!" Hermione shrieked. "Mione, we do things different in the wizarding world. I know most of you muggles and that think it's ok in your world, but here it's not. You just have to live with it." Hermione cast Harry a curious glance, then got up and stormed out. "What's got her knickers in a twist?" Ron asked, completely oblivious to what he had just done.

Harry rolled his eyes and stormed out after Hermione. "Why did you want to know, Harry?" She asked as they headed to the library. "Don't tell anyone, but I saw Dean and Seamus kiss last night. I think they were drunk, but it was still there."

"Uh, Harry. Dean and Seamus have had a secret relationship going on for months now. Only Neville and I know, you cannot tell anyone! They could get arrested! It's horrific." She whispered. Harry nodded his head curtly. "Uh, Hermione, why are we at the library? We have defence in ten minutes," Harry said. "Well, now that it's been brought up, I want to check the laws. Surely, there can't be a proper valid reason for not letting people love who they want to love. You've let out the monster in me Harry." She laughed.

"This is the monster in you? What about when you punched Dra-Malfoy in third year?" He asked, smirking slightly at the memory. "There's a difference between a monster and a beast, Harry." Hermione replied. They sat in silence for five minutes looking through laws, until Hermione spoke up. "Harry, you are straight, aren't you? I mean Ginny."

Harry looked at her in shock. "What, no, that's ridiculous! I like girls, you know, uh, long hair... eyelashes..." He panicked. "Okay then," She smirked. "Describe to me your ideal girl. What does she look like?" Harry thought for a moment then replied.

"Short pale blonde hair, grey-blue eyes, a muscular build. Pointed jaw and firm hands, preferably in Slytherin, you know, more mischievous." Hermione started to giggle a lot, holding her stomach. "What?" Harry asked, confused. "What are you giggling at?" Hermione continued giggling and finally whispered "You just described a certain Draco Malfoy." Then she ran off as the bell went.

Harry sat there, dumbfounded. "You might want to make your way to first lesson young man," the librarian said coming round the corner. Harry jumped and got up, slowly making his way to Defence Against the Dark Arts. When he got there, he took his place between Ron and Draco and sat down, getting his books out.

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now