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Draco stood frozen in fear as he watched his roommate stand on the edge of the balcony. He never thought it would be this bad. He thought that Harry was getting better, he said that he was happy just earlier that evening!

Screw those muggles and fuck that Weasel. Ron was meant to be Harry's best friend, but now he's done this. Draco tried to whisper things to Harry that would sooth his mind and make him come back over the railing.

But, Harry just smiled sadly and locked eyes with Draco. "I love you Draco. I always have." And with that, he jumped. In a blink of an eye, Draco was leaning over the edge of the balcony, wand out and levitating Harry in mid air.

It was clear he was unconscious, making it harder for Draco to bring him back over into their room. "Oh my gosh, Potter!" McGonagoll shouted, running into the room with Madame Pomfrey, Luna and a stretcher behind her. McGonagall got out her wand  and helped Draco carefully put Harry's fragile body on the stretcher. He was bleeding from his head where he must've hit it on something when he jumped.

Draco's eyes welled up as they ran along the long winding corridors towards the hospital wing. The castled seemed empty as everybody was still gathered in the Great Hall partying. 'Harry wouldn't have wanted the publicity anyway' Draco thought to himself.

Harry was laid down and Madame Pomfrey fixed his wound. In the Muggle world, she said he would've needed these things called stitches and possibly even surgery. It was really bad.

McGonagall was confused by Harry's physical state. "I just don't understand, he's looked perfectly fine since he arrived at Hogwarts last month! Now he looks beaten, and thin as a stick. Oh, my poor boy!" She sniffed, fiddling with the necklace around her neck.

Draco looked down at the ground shuffling awkwardly. He really should tell them, but he didn't want to betray Harry's trust especially not at a time like this. "Mr Malfoy, do you know something?" Pomfrey asked. He would tell, he'd have to! It's for Harry's own good.

"He's been abused by the muggles his whole life. They starved him and now he just doesn't eat at all. He blames himself for the war and all the people we lost. Mix that with a giant secret and a really bad fight with his 'best friend' I suppose it got too much for him," he sighed, sitting in the chair next to his raven haired party date.

"Oh this poor, poor boy! It's going to take him a while to get back up and running," Madame Pomfrey frowned, putting her hand to Harry's forehead. "He has nightmares too. Herm- Granger, said that it's this thing called PTSD. He gets memories and flashbacks from the war." Draco added.

McGonagall strode across to the other side of the room, her hand over her mouth to stifle her cries. Madame Pomfrey ran over to comfort her, so Draco took the chance to grab Harry's hand in his own. That's when he noticed it.

There was still a faint glamour on Harry's arms, as Draco saw once again some blood drip from Harry's head onto his forearm and it disappeared. Draco got out his wand and almost collapsed right then and there on the spot.

Up Harry's arms, were thousands of cuts, long, short, deep, shallow. Draco had to hold in a scream as he kicked himself over and over. How could he not notice this? How could he not notice that this poor, innocent boy was in a lot more pain than he showed?

Draco placed a kiss on the other boys forehead, a couple of tears dripping onto Harry's face. As Draco wiped them away he sniffled. "You said you were happy, Potter. And I was dumb enough to believe you. How could you be happy with me?"

Harry could hear everything that Draco said to him. He wanted to reply, but he couldn't, his body wouldn't let him. What had happened? Why was he in an uncomfortable bed with Draco by his side telling him to wake up? What in the name of Merlin was going on?

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now