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The months Came and left very slowly. After a month of living with the Dursley's, Harry was allowed to eat again but, he had eaten merely one green apple before Uncle Vernon came up with another reason to beat Harry up and not let him eat again.

Harry didn't care anymore, in fact he had gotten used to not eating so much, he didn't even want to when he could. Through the break, Harry's beatings just got worse and worse. He could hide during the days seems as Dudley had school and Vernon had work, so it was just him and Petunia, but Harry just did his chores then stayed in his room.

He had gone to Diagon Alley, sent his letter to McGonagoll and bought his necessary books for the later year. He hadn't gotten any owls from anyone at all during the time they have had off. Harry wasn't surprised either, everyone probably hated him after the war. So many people were lost because of him. His mum, dad, Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, Snape, Hedwig, Dobby, Dumbledore. So many people, all gone because of him.

If Harry had just died as a baby, none of them would be dead. Lily and James may as well have just given Harry to Voldemort when he came that night, and carried on with their lives.

Harry crawled into his bed after getting a rather nasty beating from Uncle Vernon, when an owl swooped into his window. Harry untied the piece of parchment attached to its leg, gave it a couple of his old owl treats and watched as the charming bird flew away. He rolled open the piece of parchment, expecting to see Rons scruffy writing or Hermione's neat, but instead an unknown was layed out in front of him. Potter, meet me on the end of Privet Drive tomorrow afternoon at 2. We need to talk- D.

Harry stared at the anonymous letter, trying to figure out who 'D' could be, before giving up and crawling into bed. Tomorrow would be a Saturday which means Vernon and Dudley would both be home all day. Harry lay there, wondering who could've wrote that letter and what on earth they wanted to talk about.

"Wake up you little bastard!" Came the booming voice of Uncle Vernon through Harry's bedroom door. "Get up and make us breakfast!" Harry slowly got up and listened to Vernon's loud, stomping steps die away. He pulled off his pyjama top and looked at himself in the mirror.

He was so thin, he looked like a living corpse. Harry scrunched up his face in disgust, whilst counting every one of his ribs. Cuts and bruises littered Harry's arms, legs and torso. The only thing Harry liked about himself now,  was his hair. It had grown out a bit and gone curly on the top.

Harry pulled on his extremely baggy clothes and headed downstairs. He put the bacon in the grill and the eggs on the stove. After he served up, he started his work for the day. 1:50 came around and Harry thought best for him to start getting ready to meet this mystery stranger.

As he was heading up the stairs, Uncle Vernon was coming down and thought it would be funny to trip Harry up, causing him to smash his head on the banister. Vernon laughed and carried on his way, whilst Harry went upstairs and got his wand. He decided to cast a glamour on himself, he didn't want whoever sent the note to freak out and run away.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror. On the outside, he seemed perfectly fit and healthy, so he decided it was good enough. Harry climbed out the window, down the pipe and headed down to the end of Privet Drive. When he got there, he held his wand up in his sleeve but saw no one there.

Just as Harry was about to walk back, he felt a hand on his shoulder. Naturally, Harry whipped his wand out, turned around quickly and pressed it to the persons neck. "Relax!" A male voice came. Harry looked up. It was Draco Malfoy.

"It was you, wasn't it?" Malfoy asked. Harry just looked at the pale haired boy in confusion. "You sent that letter to the ministry, didn't you. Excusing my mother from her Azkaban sentence." Harry slowly nodded, thinking back to after the battle and sending off a letter from the owlery. "Thank you," Malfoy muttered and did something Harry thought that he could never do. Malfoy, Harry's sworn enemy since 1st year, hugged him.

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now