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Ron had done some serious thinking after he came home from Hogwarts. He had just left his best friend and girlfriend at school after learning one simple secret. Sometimes he kicked himself for doing something so stupid, but then the memory of why he did it came back and he just didn't care.

Ron had been raised to accept everybody, no matter what, but there was a slight twist in his childhood. A boy named Anthony Moore used to come around to the burrow to play with Ron, even though he was Percy's age. He got to Ron at a young age, and Ron grew up listening to two sides of a story, Anthony's and his mother's.

Of course, Anthony was cool and he was so much more chilled out than Mrs Weasley, so Ron listened to him. Ron learned wrong from right and did whatever Anthony told him to. Anthony was chased away by Mrs Weasley, though when she had saw him giving a seven year old some firewhiskey.

Ron thought that it was unfair he couldn't play with his friend anymore, so he continued to rebel against his mother and remembered what this sick boy had told him. Only treat people with respect if they are like you. Same-sex couples are wrong, and should never be right.

But, as Ron sat in his bedroom, aged eighteen, without his friends who were undoubtedly having fun without him, began to regret ever going against his Mother's word. He silently cursed himself for being a young gullible boy, but still couldn't get his past beliefs out of his head.

Harry was his best friend, he had been ever since that first train ride when they were eleven, and now it's like it never happened. His best friend had tried to commit suicide because of him, and he acted as if he didn't care, prompted it even, but the truth was, he did care.

But Anthony's words always echoed in his head and he was brought back to the real life where what was illegal, was illegal. But when had Ron ever actually listened to the rules? He and his friends had broken pretty much every single school rule there was and he didn't as much bat an eyelid.

But this was the law! "It doesn't matter if it's the law," George groaned at him, head in his hands. "It doesn't matter because he is your best friend and one small thing like this shouldn't be enough for you to completely throw your friendship with him away!"

"But it was Malfoy!" Ron spat. "He's changed, Ron. I could tell in the couple of hours I spent with them, he is head over heels for Harry. If he ever did anything to Harry, then mark my words we would pummel him right into hell and then further down, but you haven't seen them when they're together, Ron. They're pretty much in love."

Ron looked up, eyes widening in surprise. In love? His best friend, in love? And he wasn't there to support him? "For fucks sake!" Ron groaned, banging his head lightly on the table. "And what about Ginny, huh? They were meant to be together and Harry just screwed her over! She's meant to be your sister too, you know!"

"I know that Ronald. I spoke to her too, she knew about it all along. She was completely fine with it, she never really liked Harry like that in the first place she just thought that it would make you happy!" Once again, Ron groaned at his stupidity.

"I'm the worst friend, the worst brother, the worst boyfriend! How is Hermione?" He asked nervously. "She refused to talk about you. Would only stay with us if we spoke about something else. You really hurt her, Ron. You hurt everybody and if you can ever accept the idea that Harry can be with whoever he wants and go back to Hogwarts, then you're going to have a hell of a lot of work to do."

And he did.

After Ron had heard about Sirius coming back in the Prophet and his soon-to-be trial for innocence, he started to pack his trunk. Nothing else mattered anymore, Harry's life was being pulled together and quite frankly, Ron wanted to be a part of that too. He needed his best friend back.

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now