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It was finally Saturday and people were rushing around their dorm rooms, getting their costumes ready for later that day. Hermione, Ginny, Draco and Harry went over their plan a million times until they had it to the utmost perfection.

Whilst they were planning all day, Hermione brought up food from the kitchens, watching Harry closely to make sure he ate more than just one pomegranate seed. Draco also pushed Harry to eat more, which he reluctantly obliged to. He didn't say it out loud, but he was glad he was getting better and it made him even happier that it was Draco helping.

Ginny told Hermione and Draco about Luna and her dating her, and the situation with Neville. "But, it's not like Harry and me, you see. Neville actually thinks that him and Luna are dating so he asked her to the party and she said yes. I'm afraid that Luna is going to eventually break up with me for him. The Ravenclaw common room was destroyed and they haven't finished repairing it yet so they're meant to be bunking with us but Luna seems to be spending more nights here than with me," Ginny said as Hermione hugged her.

"Would you like me to talk to her?" Hermione asked. "It's no use. Neville's got her wrapped around his little finger," Ginny sighed. Harry hated seeing her so hurt, she was like his little sister.

Harry didn't know why, but he got up, stormed out and went straight towards Neville's room. "Oh, hey Harry," Neville smiled as he walked in. Luna was in there too, doing her makeup for the party. "Luna, you need to tell him," Harry said bluntly. Luna looked confused, but then saw Ginny at the door. "Oh," she said dreamily. "Well, seems as you told Harry I suppose I can tell Neville," Luna said and sat down opposite Neville. Harry nodded then walked out of the room to give them some privacy.

"Thank you Harry. Maybe now we actually stand a chance!" Ginny laughed. Harry pressed his ear up to the door to try and listen in on the conversation. "Well, that's the situation," came Luna's voice. There was a silence for a little bit then he heard Neville laugh.

"I knew that you would break up with me sometime soon, but I didn't know it would be for Ginny! I'm devastated, of course I am, but I just want you to be happy and if that's with Ginny then I support you. Just be careful though, you know what the laws are." Neville said.

Ginny threw the door open, ran in and hugged Neville. Harry watched from the doorway, amused. "Thank you for being so understanding, Neville. If you ever need anything, then don't hesitate to ask," Ginny smiled. "Well, I think I'm going to be needing a date to the party," he chuckled as the two girls shared a small kiss.

"I think I can help with that," Harry grinned. "I've heard that Hannah Abbot has a thing for you Neville and as far as I'm aware she doesn't have a date yet. You might want to find her quickly!" Harry called as Neville ran out. "Thank you Harry, for everything," Ginny smiled as she shut the door to Neville's room, leaving Luna to continue getting ready. They went back into Harry's dorm and briefly explained what happened. "See, that's my date, right there! Helping others when he won't even help himself."

Draco and Harry showed Ginny and Hermione their disguises and they just burst into hysterics, especially after Hermione gave Draco some boobs. "I am not wearing these!" Draco said in disgust and took them away. "They were a nice firm pair though, the kind you just want to squeeze, you know," Ginny said matter-of-factly. Everyone stared at her as she turned beet red. "Right, I'm the only person in here who likes girls." She laughed.

Ginny got into her costume as Dracula's wife and Ron and Hermione went as Mummies, Hermione looking extremely odd as her bushy hair poked threw the bandages, making her head look very lumpy and hairy. Harry just threw on a cape and some fake fangs, but wore a suit underneath which he and Draco had agreed on wearing.

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