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Harry and Draco set of to their first lesson together, walking in an awkward silence. At once point, Harry could've sworn that their hands brushed together, but it was probably just his imagination. But why would Harry imagine that? He became so confused by one simple thing, that he almost walked completely past their classroom. It was only when Hermione called his name did he realize.

The students all filed into the classroom and chose their seats. Harry quickly sat at the far back corner, not wanting to have a spotlight cast on him this year. But, none the less, the new teacher walked in and immediately requested that Harry come and sit at the front of the room. "Can't have our brightest student be hiding in the back now, can we?" The new professor smiled. Harry sat down in his seat between Ron and Draco and sunk down.

"My name is Professor Barton and I will be your new defense against the dark arts teacher for this year. I do not tolerate silliness or bad work in my classroom and expect the best out of all of you." He said, writing his name on the chalk board. Harry was about to turn to Ron and make some silly retort, then remembered they weren't exactly on speaking terms.

The lesson dragged on very slowly, copying notes down from the board and re visiting spells and creatures they have looked at in the past so Barton knew what level they were up to. The bell finally rung after what felt like forever, and the Gryffindors headed down to Care of magical creatures whilst the Slytherins went to charms. Hagrid was still their teacher, and was delighted when Harry, Ron and Hermione came trudging down.

Although the three of them weren't in the best moods with one another, they all put a smile of their faces to greet Hagrid. Hagrid, wanting to catch up with the trio, just set the class to do some revision on Leshies, or more commonly known as 'The King of Nature'. Harry, Ron and Hermione sat to the side with Hagrid and wrote down a couple of notes but were more focused on talking to their old friend.

"I tell you, the last time I prop'ly saw you Harry, you was acting dead. Almost gave me a heart attack when you fell on the floor. You could jolly well be one of em muggle ac'or things on the feletision," Hagrid chuckled. "Sorry Hagrid, I didn't mean to scare you." Harry said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Na, its al'ight. You did what you 'ad to do. An' congrats you two on the relationship. I always saw how you looked at her differently Ron," Hagrid smirked, playfully elbowing Ron's arm, but nearly knocking him sideways.

Ron's ears turned pink and so did Hermione's cheeks as they both looked down. Harry had never saw this coming. He was happy for the two of them, sort of. But now, he would always be the third wheel. That's if he and Ron ever made up. "What ab'out you 'arry? Any girls spotting your eye? Heard one time you was getting close to Ginny Weasley!" Ron looked at Harry cautiously, wanting to protect his sister if Harry said anything wrong.

"Um, no, not really. I'm just trying to focus on school and careers and things at the moment. Girls are the last thing that's on my mind right now." Harry admitted. And it was true, Harry wasn't thinking about any girl, but was having confused feelings towards someone else. He could never admit that though, it was crazy!

"I sense some tension here, whats goi'n on?" Hagrid asked, looking between Harry and Ron. "They had a really stupid argument and won't talk to each other, no matter how much I try to persuade them." Hermione huffed, clearly annoyed that neither boy would listen to her. "Well, listen 'ere. I've known you two to be best frie'ns since you was li'le. I'm sure no argument, big o' small can get between you two, eh?" Hagrid said.

It was true. Ron and Harry had been through thick and thin, had fought by each others side for almost 8 years. "Do you wanna call truce mate? Forget everything we said in the bedroom. We both said really stupid things, me mainly. You should know none of us blame you for what happened. I'm sorry mate." Ron sighed, holding his hand out. "I'm sorry too." Harry said, and shook Ron's hand. They smiled at each other and continued the lesson in a much happier mood.

I've Always Loved You, Potter (A Drarry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now