Chapter 3

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Layla's POV
     I woke up strapped to a cold, metal chair. Looking around I only saw white. It looked a bit like a hospital. I never liked hospitals not even the healers in Asgard. Suddenly someone knocked on the door. A man with a red octopus on his arm entered. I know that sign............ Hydra oh crap, crap, crap, crap.
     "Would you mind telling me your name, miss?" He asked his brown eyes staring into mine. Johann Schmidt. I thought he died?
      "No" I said bluntly. His smile faded into a frown as he came over and slapped me. It was the type of slap that pushed your head to the side and the kind of slap that stung until the next day. I turned back to him glaring. I could see him smirk as a doctor came into the room.
      "Go ahead, Doctor." He said still smirking. The doctor then came over to me and injected me with something. After that they both left the room.
      The room around me started to fade. When I looked around I was in Asgard. A wide smile started to appear on my face. I went to stand up but was brought back down. My smile dissapeared into a confused frown as I realised I was still in the metal chair strapped down. What?? It's an illusion? Suddenly I felt surges of electricity surge through me starting at my core and spreading. "AGHH!!" What is this??!! "AGHHHHH!!" I was screaming because of the pain. Suddenly the Asgard in front of me started fading. No, no, no!!! Come back!! NO!! "AGGHHHHH!!" Now all I could see was blue for about and hour until I blacked out from the pain.

Third Person View
*Right after the doctor and Johann Schmidt left*
      "Let's stand by the window to observe the girl." Schmidt said. When looking at her they saw her green eyes glow a more vibrant green that was clearly non-human. She seemed to start smiling until the smile faded and she looked to her hands confused. "Is she seeing an illusion, Doctor?"
      "Yes, sir. Right now it seems as though she has powers, otherwise the medication would not have worked." The doctor replies sheepishly.
      "So the medi-"
      "AGHH!!!" They both look to the girl confused. Both of their eyes widen when they see a substance similar to lightning wrapping around her making her long, black hair fuzz up and, like hands, reach to the ceiling. Her once vibrant and green eyes are now a piercingly bright, electric blue. "AGHHHHHHH!!!!! IT HURTS!!!" She screamed clenching her fists and tighly closing her eyes. About 45 minutes later the screaming stopped.
       "Is she all right, Doctor?"
       "Yes, I believe she only fainted."
       "When will she wake up?"
       "..............I don't know..........."

Layla's POV
       I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again because of the blinding lights. Where am I? I have a pounding headache. I try to bring my hand up to my head, but can't. I look at my hands to see them strapped to the chair. My feet are also strapped I see. Then I remember what happened. As if on cue my whole body begins to ache. "Ugh." I groan.
       "Ready to talk?" I jump and see Johann Schmidt. Crap
       "What?" I respond
       "What are your powers, miss?" Hahaha he still doesn't know my name. I smirk but then frown.
        "How did yo-"
        "My doctor gave you something that uses your powers against you- if you have any."
       "Well....... Why would I tell you any way?" I smirk.
       "Because otherwise you will get the same treatment plus worse. AND after so many treatments, your memories will be wiped and you will be made into a weapon to fight against the Avengers." He awaited my response letting the words sink in. He came right beside my ear, "And when you think it's over, it will only get worse."
       "Inject me. I won't talk anyway" I growled looking straight ahead with a cold glare.
       "Gladly" he smirked, "Doctor!" The doctor came over with two syringes. One with the same amout as last time and another with half that amount. "Have a pleasant few hours." I glared at them as they left.
       A few minutes later and the medicine kicked in. "AGHHHHHH!!!" This time it started with electricity. I'm sure by this point I was whimpering. 5 minutes later and I was seeing Asgard on fire made of blue flames. I started crying only to feel surges of electricity again. I saw Dad dead alongside Thor and Heimdall. I was standing next to them with the blue flames in my hands. " NOOOOOOO!!!!" Yelling made another surge run through me, "AGHHHHHHHHH!!!!" 15 more minutes of this agonizing torture and I blacked out.....again. Yeah, the blackness came quicker, but it was so much more painfull.
       I woke up to a soldier slapping me. I could taste blood so, I spit it at the soldier. Doing that I got a punch to my cheek. Now I could really taste blood. "GET UP!" The soldier shouted into my ear. Him and another unlatched the straps and pushed me out of the seat. "STAND UP!!" I slowly stood up only to fall again. They came over to me and picked me up from my arms dragging me across the halls. They then shoved my sore body into a cell full of blood. "Don't Expect Food!!" No food??!! Seriously??!! Ugh... I'm sooo hungry. Hey, there's a bed!! Finally. I walk over to the bed. When I sit down I realise it's very hard, but it's better than nothing. I fall asleep instantly.

- A\N Hey guys!! Please vote and comment. Screw you, Hydra.


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