Chapter 19

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Trigger warning!!!!
Has to do with hurting yourself physically and mentally. If you are triggered by this, please do not read!! Read at your own risk!!!

Layla's POV
     We had finished training and I was walking down to the cafeteria to get some food. At one in the morning. Yeah, it should be easy to say I like food a bit. I had my earbuds in when I felt a presence walk into the cafeteria. I waited until they were right behind me before I spun around and pinned the person to the nearest wall.
     "Never— and I mean— never try and scare someone with trust issues and superpowers. Understand?" I growled to Agent Maxwell. He gulped loudly as my hand was wrapped around his throat, and my knife was held to his stomach. Making sure that if he moved, his insides would all pour out. In his eyes I could see my own green eyes swirling with even darker shades of green electricity. Green lines took place of my veins.
     I stopped choking him as I smelt smoke in the area. I realized it was his throat. No......... I backed up wide eyed and held a hand to my mouth as I watched in horror as he ran to the pitcher of water and splashed it on his neck.
     Feeling as though I didn't have an appetite anymore, I ran back to my room and locked myself in. I slide down my door and sat on the floor in shock. I could've killed him. I could've killed him. Why? Why did I not stop? You didn't kill him though. My brain said to try and comfort me. But I hurt him.


     I woke up curled in a ball on the floor in front of my door. I dragged myself up off the floor and walked to my dresser. I pulled out a blue long sleeve shirt and black cargo pants. I pulled my combat boots back on and opened my door. I walked down the hall with an aching neck when I was slammed against the wall. Yay.
     "No wonder your dad left you."A scratchy voice spit in my face. I looked up and saw Jason. "Your uncle probably left as well because you're insane. How could anyone stand you?" He smirked as he said all this. "No one loves you. No one even remotely likes you. You should just kill yourself. The world we better without you anyway." He was still smirking when I kneed him where the sun doesn't  shine.
     "You don't know what you've just started." I threw him off me and ran after him. I slammed him through the wall, and made an illusion of myself walk away. He slowly got up and chased after my illusion. I ran behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck from behind; slowly choking him. I was in full anger mode now. He slowly sank to the ground.
     Electricity zapped everywhere. Illusions were everywhere. I could feel his pain course through me, but that gave me even more motivation. I felt him claw at my arms. I let him go and he fell to the ground coughing. I kicked him in the backside, and with my magic incorporated, he went flying into the wall across the hall. I teleported to where he was and went at punching him.
     I felt a hand try to pull me off, but they went flying due to the electricity and my magic. I looked back and saw that it was Liam trying to pry me off. I was in such a state of anger, that I didn't care.
     Finally a group with electricity repellent clothing cane and pulled me off him. "Let me go!!" A large amount of magic and others things flew off me and blew all the men away.
     Liam Slowly got up and came over to me. He punched me across the face, knocking me out instantly.
Jason's POV
     I woke up a few hours later aching everywhere. I groaned and opened my eyes to see a load of doctors looking at me. "Hey, you're awake." A female doctor said in a too high of a voice.
     "Where's Layla. I need to get back at her." I sat up and saw all their faces pale. "What?"
     "She's, uh, she, uh, sh-"
     "She was sent to the confinement area because she almost strangled you to death. They're draining her energy so she might be able to be put back in her room.  If they can't........ They'll kill her." A male doctor solemnly said. He looked at the ground and looked back up; he excused himself and left the room.
     "I will be the one that kills her. No matter what." I mumbled low enough so no one could hear. "When can I leave?"
     "Now, it you'd like." I swiftly got up and walked to the door. My knees gave out before I made it to the door. I stood up using the wall and looked into a window that reflected me. I saw how terrible I looked. How I was bruised and cut everywhere. How most of my hair wasn't on my head anymore.
     "What happened to my hair?" I asked cautiously.
     "She burned it off." Blunt much? I walked over to the door, using the wall as support. I opened the door and turned left. Walking through the halls I made my way over to the containment area.
     I opened the double doors to my right and walked down the black halls. To my right I saw a door. On the door there was a sign that said: Layla Hartfel. Perfect. I slid open the sliding door and slipped silently in.
     I could see her. She looked dead. Like the reason she was alive was ripped out of her. Even though she sat upright, she slouched so much.
     She had dark bags under her eyes. Her eyes were dark from anger and hatred. She looked up and caught my eyes. She looked away without the slightest look of regret.
     Her lips were parted as if she couldn't close them as much as she tried. They were a dark purple color. Her hair was a tangled mess. Not like the perfect, straight ponytail it was usually like. The green highlights were more vibrant. There wasn't as much black anymore.
     A needle came down from the ceiling. It stabbed  into her back. She screamed. Her scream put a small crack in the glass surrounding her. There was a small heartbeat counter on glass. Her heartbeat was elevated to an abnormal level.
     Green streaks sprayed everywhere. Illusions of her childhood danced all through the room. Even out of her glass cage. I saw one that I particularly liked. It was of her running through the woods. She was disappearing into the trees and popping out from the other side.
     "Stop, stop, stop........" Her cries got quieter the more she spoke. She collapsed on the floor two seconds later.
     She woke up five days later. But............ she was different. She didn't recognize any of us. Not even Liam. She was the perfect soldier now. No emotions clouded her mind.
     The difference between her and the Winter Solider, was that he had a certain phrase that made him snap into soldier mode. A simple snap of your fingers, and Layla was under your control.
     Guess who she brought in today after she finished her mission. She brought in the Winter Soldier. He had gone soft. Everyone could see that. He would mumble about this Jocelyn girl? I don't know. But he was kind. Until Johann Schmidt said the special words to bring him into soldier mode.
    A week later he escaped. Apparently this girl snuck in and changed him back into his kindhearted and soft mindset. Yuck. Her name was Natasha Romanoff. I hear she works for S.H.I.E.L.D. She is a tough woman. She took out half of our guards. You should've seen how mad Layla was when she found out. She almost blew up half the building. Luckily she only blew up a quarter of it.
Layla's POV
     I don't remember anything. How did I get here? I have a mission tomorrow. I'm becoming a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. Undercover for HYDRA obviously.
     They sharpened my senses a bit. I could see things in the dark. I could hear things a normal human being wouldn't be able to hear. I could run faster. So many more things were enhanced.
If things don't go as planned, I will not hesitate to kill everyone in that building......

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