Chapter 24

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Third Person POV (three days before)
Everyone gathered around as they witnessed the fight breaking out in front of them. "Get 'em, Matthews!!" Some shouted. "Don't give up, Coleman!!!" Others yelled. Autumn had just walked into the cafeteria. She was curious so she slowly walked over.
"Guess what?" Jocelyn energetically said. You could the excitement in her eyes as she watched the fight. "Adam and Austin are in a huge fight!! I think it's about you?" Autumn's face went into pure confusion. She shoved her way through people to get to the front. That's when she saw it.
"I can't believe you swept her out from under me!" Adam panted in between punches.
"She was never yours to begin with." Austin snarled.
"I was going to ask her out, man!" Adam pleaded.
"Well, I did first." Austin smirked. Bad move. Everyone thought as Austin let his guard down. A punch came flying toward his face. Adam punched his face upward. Kicking Austin down, Adam walked away satisfied that he had knocked Austin out. Everyone was quiet.
Adam shot Autumn a sideways glance and a wink as he walked out of the cafeteria. Everyone turned to look at her. Autumn slowly backed away. When she got close enough to the doors, she sprinted out of the cafeteria.
She was constantly looking over her shoulder to see if anyone was coming. With her not paying attention, she slammed right into a very solid chest. So solid that she fell backward onto her butt. She looked up to see Adam. He reached out his hand and she hesitantly placed her hand in his. He pulled her up quickly; making her fall into him.
"Sorry." She mumbled into him as she backed up, but he pulled her back to him.
"Can we just stay like this?" Adam asked quietly. She loved Austin, so this wasn't going to work.
"I'm sorry, Adam, but I don't have feelings for you in that way." She felt him tense. He let her go and had a sad smile as he told her to go. He had small cuts and bruises covering his face, but the hole in his chest was more painful. The hole that used to be filled with an alive and beating heart that was ripped out just moments ago. He gave his heart to Autumn, and now she was giving it away to someone else.
Autumn ran back to the cafeteria. She burst through the doors and ran to Austin. She sat down quickly and put his head in her lap. "Just wake up, Austin. Wake up wake up wake up." She said. As she was holding him she felt a cold liquid underneath her. She looked down and saw blood. That's when she noticed the knife sticking out from his stomach. "No, no, no, no, no..." she muttered as tears began to prick at her eyes. "Y-You you c-c-an't leave m-m-me. Not n-n-now. Stay with me. Please. I love you." She said into his hair as she bent over with her head on his head. Tears soaked his hair. She cried and cried and cried.
"Someone!! Get a doctor!!" She shouted to the air around her. "Please..." she whispered the last part. No one was there to get a doctor. So she sat up and ran to his side. She tore the bottom half of her shirt and pulled out the knife. She quickly placed the ripped shirt on the wound. She held her hand there tightly. Keeping pressure on it to stop the bleeding. She quickly took off her sweater and wrapped it around his waist. She tied it tightly and ran to the medical area.
"Help!! Someone is wounded! Badly!!" She yelled breathlessly as she reached the medical area. Doctors snapped their heads in her direction. One quickly got up and ran with her to Austin. When they got there the doctor told her it was too late. She slowly fell to her knees as silent tears fell and shook her body uncontrollably. She sniffled and crawled over to Austin.
"I'm sorry." She whispered in between sobs. "It's all my fault. If only I could have been here." She sobbed into his chest. She pulled him tightly to her. She held him like she was hugging him. "Why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave me. Leaving me alone in this world. I need you. I love you. Come back to me! I won't be fine without you!!" She cried into his shoulder. Her tears stained his shirt. She felt a hand on her back.
"It's okay. You'll be fine without me. I told you I'd pick you up if you fell." Austin said slowly. Painfully slow. She felt his whole body sag as those were his last words. A 23 year-old died May 14, 2020. He died in the arms of someone he could have spent forever with. Died in the arms of his first love. Maybe his only love. But he's gone. Leaving her alone. With pain that could turn her into a monster. A ruthless monster. He died making a monster. A monster that he could never turn into a beautiful princess. Was this his intention? To break her? To take a huge part of her heart and break it in half?
The funeral took place on May 16, 2020. The gravestone said: Beloved Friend. A Perfect Soulmate. April 4, 1997-May 14,2020. Rest In Piece.
It was an unusually sad funeral. He had no relatives. It was only those very close to him that showed up. Autumn didn't show up. She hid in her room crying. Hundreds of tissues littered her floor.
When she was assigned a mission she quickly got up and started it. She stormed into the small science lab out in Afghanistan. She killed every scientist and brought back many discoveries with her.
Even though Autumn wasn't there, the others got to see the great Sergeant Rogers. She was head to HYDRA right under Johann Schmidt even though she is the daughter of Captain America or Steve Rogers. Her brown hair flowed in waves down her back as she walked into the funeral with nude heals click-clacking against the floor. She wore black dress that had a slit from mid-thigh to the bottom of the dress that ended at her ankles. She was tall enough without the heals, but she wore them anyway. Everyone knew she had the authority to fire anyone she wanted at anytime. No one wanted her attention ever. Her dark brown eyes pierced right into your soul. She could tell if anyone was lying.
She strutted into the church and sat in one on the back pews. She watched silently as some gave testimonies and others broke down during their testimony.
As the funeral came to a close, she quickly left and returned to HYDRA.

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