Chapter 20

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     "Hi, I'm the new agent. Agent Celeste Miller to be exact." I had to change my name. HYDRA'S orders. Why? I'm not sure. They told me that S.H.I.E.L.D would know who I was if I had my given name. How would they know? I had never heard of them until recently, so how would they know about me? Maybe just luck? Whatever.
     The receptionist looked up at me as if I were a piece of dog poop. She looked down mumbling that I was to head right,and take the first door on the left after I took the second turn to the right. So many directions. She had a sickly sweet smile as I walked away.
     Following the woman's directions I came to a door that said Nick Fury. So this is the famous Nick Fury. I knock confidently. He shouts a "come in" quite loudly. I opened the door and saw a man sitting behind a desk with an eyepatch covering his left eye. He looked up and back down, only for his head to snap up a second later. "Holy crap." He mumbled. He stood up abruptly and motioned for me to follow him. I scanned my surroundings as I followed him to be able to report all of this back to HYDRA.
     "You remind me of someone. Someone I haven't seen in a long time." He said quietly as he took me on a tour of the building.
"And who, exactly, is that?" I asked quickly.
"Loki." Ohhhhh. But why though? Why would I look like Loki? A small chuckle escaped my lips.
     "Did you know Loki had a daughter?" My head snapped in his direction immediately. My pace slowed to a halt as he kept walking. He had a daughter?!
     "What?......" I slowly asked. I jogged to catch up to him.
     "Yeah. He did. I didn't know her personally though. However, she was quite cold if you ever encountered her." We continued with the tour.
     He showed my where I would be staying, where we would eat, and where I was to go to be assigned a mission.
Bucky's POV
You know what she did?? Do you know?? She applied for a spy job at S.H.I.E.L.D!!!!! What the heck!!!!! "Jocelyn you seriously can't be thinking clearly!!"
     "But I am!!! I want to do this, Bucky!! Can't you, of all people, understand that?"
     "Well, Yeah. But-"
     "No 'buts'. You know how it feels to want to serve your country. And, frankly, it may not be the best way to help, but this is what I want to do— what my heart desires to do. And I'm sorry if you can't accept that, but I'm not sorry for choosing this line of work. " I watched as she turned her back on me and walked away. She got the job, obviously. I mean, who wouldn't accept a smart, witted, sharp, and beautiful woman? Wait what? What just went through my head. I shook my head as I turned the opposite direction and headed for the cafeteria.
     On my way I ran into Nick Fury and Layla? How? How is she physically here? I stood there for a few seconds until I pinned her to the wall. My hand was clasped around her throat. She looked terrified. Her hands scrapped frantically against my arm as she tried to gasp for air.
     "BARNES!!" Nick Fury shouted in my ear. I still didn't let go.
     "Bucky?" A small voice echoed through my head.  My head and eyes snapped in the direction of the voice, catching with Jocelyn's wide eyes. She looked disgusted. My grip loosened and Layla broke out of it, falling to the ground, coughing as she gasped for air. I never looked at her once. My eyes were focused on Jocelyn's movements. She watched Layla. When she looked up at me she shook her head in disappointment and turned around and walked away.
     "What's wrong with you, Barnes?" Nick Fury cautiously asked.
     "Can I talk to you? Alone?" I said emphasizing the "alone" part.
     "Sure." We walked to an elevator and rode it down after leaving Layla with Captain America.

Layla's POV
     Why did they have to choose the elevator? Captain America slowly approached me. He looked my dead in the eyes. Almost as if searching for something that wasn't there. Or was it?
     "Follow me." He said curtly. He abruptly turned around and walked down the hall. I quickened my pace to catch up with him. We kept walking and turned left.
     "Ouch." I grunted as I was shoved against the wall. Again?? Seriously? What is with these Avenger guys? I quickly hid the annoyed face and put on a terrified one. "W-w-what ar-are y-you going t-t-to d-do?" He smirked.
     "I know you're not afraid." He whispered lowly in my ear. He ended with: "Layla." I inhaled a sharp breath. I could feel his smirk broaden as he heard my breath.
     His hand were on opposite sides of me, trapping me between him and the wall.
     "Please release me, Rogers. Or I will hurt you." My breath seethed with anger as his hands pushed farther into the wall and made small cracks.
     "And what if I don't?" Hi said lowly. Low enough so I could hear but no one else could. I could feel his chest vibrate as he let out a low chuckle. I didn't respond for a few moments. "That's what I thought."
     I kneed him in the stomach and sprinted away. I made a quick turn right and ran into metal armor? I looked up slowly. Thor, the god of thunder, was looking down at me worried. I sheepishly smiled and said a quiet "sorry" and ran away.
     "No, Thor, Grab Her!!!" Captain America shouted down the hall. Thor quickly reached out.

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