Chapter 13

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Kiki's POV
     I met Layla a few years ago. We became friends instantly. Even though I told her all my secrets she would never tell me about her past. Whenever I tried to get her to talk, she would stiffen. She would have this look in her eyes. She looked like she was so upset with someone that it was like she was a different person.
     One night Jocelyn, Layla, and I decided we would have a sleepover. That the next day we could go shopping. Amongst other girl things. Anyway, we spent the night at Layla's house. She got out two cots. One for me and one for Jocelyn. It was about 2 in the morning when I woke up. I said I was thirsty and walked over to the kitchen. Both Layla and Jocelyn were asleep at the time. I was walking to the kitchen when in a millisecond I was pinned to the wall. Holding me there was Layla with her hand tightly clasped around my neck. I gripped her wrist tightly. I tried scratching her wrist. Her eyes were like steel. She had this dark aura around her. When she realized what was happening she let go immediately. I gasped frantically for air. Jocelyn woke up then. "What happened?" She asked. She looked at the very frightened Layla who had a hand clasped around her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks. "Did you do this?!" Jocelyn shouted at her. She flinched. But when I say flinched I mean she jumped back like 3 feet. Why was she scared? She wasn't the one that was being choked against the wall! Jocelyn walked up to Layla and slapped her. I swear you would be able to hear it from three floors down. Layla was looking to her left with wide eyes.
     "I deserve that......." she mumbled almost completely inaudible. She then collapsed to the ground. The only way you could tell she was crying was the fact that her shoulders were shaking.
     "We're leaving!" Jocelyn shouted dragging me with her to the door. 
Layla's POV
     "We're leaving!" Jocelyn shouted dragging Kiki with her. *Slam* I jumped. I can't believe I snapped at her. I should have told them. Now they'll never talk to me again.
                        ~~Time Skip~~
     Starbucks. So they say it's the best place on earth. That coffee is an amazing substance. "Ewww! What is that?" I ask the barista. He raised his eyebrow.
     "Are you serious? It's coffee...." He said slightly amused. "Try it." He slid the terrible looking drink in my direction. He must have noticed my scrunched up face because he said, "It won't kill you." *sniff sniff* *makes incoherent gagging noises* he gave me a priceless expression, but I am way to determined not to throw up that I can't laugh. "It is not as bad as it smells! I assure you!! My gosh!! Just drink it!!" I step back a little. Geez, man! I'm two feet in front of you. "Please drink it." He said a little bit softer. Much better, sir.
"I guess a sip can't hurt........." I bring the plastic straw to my lips. Here goes nothin'. *gulp* Nope! Never again. Straight to the bathrooms!! Run you stupid legs! I push the door open and go to the nearest stall. The contents of my stomach are not a pretty sight. I wash my face and walk out. Fake smile plastered on my face I walk up to the barista. Oh, his name is Jackson. I like it. (A.N when I was looking at names I found the name
"No?" He suggested. I glare at him. Sending him a death glare I take the cup, dispose of it and walk out the door. Gross. My face still turned to the barista I walk to the end of the sidewalk. I turn right and run right into someone. We both fall into the ground. I get up first and walk over to the person. Reaching my hand out to pull them up, I realize it is none other then Loki. I will never ever refer to him as father again. I retract my hand and see the beautiful woman standing next to him. Taking in everything I realize she is married to him and they have.......children??!!
"Layla?" He reaches his hand towards me.
"Don't!" I hiss. He retracts his hand. Realization hits me like 300 pounds. He didn't come back for me because he was to busy trying to find someone else to share his life with!! Anger and sadness fill my veins. My anger is taking over and is making it hard to think. "You left me so you could start your own family?! Was I not good enough for you. Are you ashamed of me because I never liked taking after your mischievous ways?"
"No, I left you because you were a disgrace to me. To Odin. I don't love you. I never have." My little shard of a heart broke. I couldn't feel anything. It's almost like a numbness injection was strong enough to make my emotions not work. I stumble back, registering what he had said moments ago. He doesn't love me? What?
"That's okay I never needed you when I graduated. Didn't need support. Nope. 'Cuz guess who was there for me." I snarl making sure he knows that the next word that comes out will shatter his heart if he ever had one. "Thor!! Yeah, so go live your new life with that beautiful woman. I can admit she's beautiful. But you have to live with the fact that Thor took over the father role when I needed it most. I can never say I don't love you- I will probably forever love you- but by the time I die the amount of love I have and had for you will lessen so greatly that it will merely be "I only 'like' you" situation." I snarl and turn my back, walking off to the job I have received. I became a Physical Therapist and am working at a rehab hospital. Hopefully that will keep my mind off things.

~A.N. Really long chapter!! Yay!! I got to a certain section then couldn't stop writing. But guess what? We have about 600 views on this book!!! Shkdvdjdbd!! I am soooooo happy right now. Have a great rest of your day!! Vote? Comment? Leave suggestions if you want. Love ya guys!! <3 Until next time.....

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