Chapter 29

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Layla's POV
     "Well, well, well.........." I instantly tensed. My surroundings were blurred and all voices except his were muffled. Grandfather. I didn't ever want to see him again. He despised me, and, in turn, I despised him. Both of us hated each other with a burning passion.
"Grandfather........." I said through gritted teeth. I heard his footsteps approach. Everyone around me tensed. An aura of hatred filled the room. Peter Parker let go of me. I felt the cold metal of the magic dampening cuffs wrap around my wrists. Great.
"Put the muzzle on, as well." Odin said. They clipped the cold silver behind my head after they wrapped it around my mouth. I hissed at the cold. "Take her back to her cell." I was yanked to turn around. I looked Adam in the eyes. He looked absolutely terrified. I crinkled my eyebrows together then morphed my face to show no expression whatsoever.
The guards shoved me roughly into the cell. They unclipped my cuffs and slammed the door. The muzzle was still around my mouth. I reached behind my head and unclasped it.
I watched as, across from me, they shoved Adam into a cell. I ran up to the glass. "Don't hurt him!!" I shouted through the glass. Their heads snapped in my direction. They gave me glares and one smirked as he shoved a dagger into Adam's side. His teeth clamped tightly together as he let out a hiss. "NO!!!!!!" I banged on the glass. "Please. Don't hurt him!!!" They ripped out the dagger and shoved it into his stomach.
"Agh!!" Adam hissed as they ripped it out again. They threw him on the ground. I banged and banged on the glass. I watched as his eyes dulled, and he let out his last breath.
"NO, no, no, no!!!! No, no, no, no!!" I banged on the glass until I couldn't feel my knuckles anymore. I sank to the floor. I made an illusion appear as I cried. Everything was thrown around. My clothes were ripped, my hair was disheveled.
"Layla." Thor sympathetically said my name. "I know it is fake." I let the illusion fall. I smiled half-heartedly. His eyes widened.
"What color are my eyes right now?" I asked with tears in my eyes. He looked confused but looked anyway.
"Blue. Why do you ask?" He looked around the cell then back at me. His eyebrows were scrunched together.
"They're supposed to be green." My smile turned into a frown. "I know I'm not Loki's daughter." His eyes widened.
"What do you mean? Of course you are my brother's daughter." He hurried to say.
"Stop, my rightful father." I looked down as the tears fell. I bit my lip and slowly looked up. Thor wasn't there. I heard a click and saw the door to the dungeon closing. I laughed a sad laugh. I knew he was going to leave. Just like everyone else in my life. Why am I not surprised. I didn't even cry. I just felt numb.
     I looked over at Adam's lifeless body. "I'm sorry. I never meant to drag you into this. But you were the only one that was keeping me from destroying everything in my life. But as we both knew, I would be the demise of my own happiness." He didn't twitch. What was I even expecting. I crawled over to the stone bed, pulled myself on top, and fell asleep.

Bucky's POV
     Why does she work for them? How could she? I paced the long halls of the Asgardian Palace. My hands were shoved deeply into my pockets. "Wait up, Buck." Steve said as he jogged up to catch up to me.
     "Why?" I asked confused.
     "Why what?" He asked a little shocked. We walked into the garden.
     "Why would she, in her right mind, work for them?" He sighed. He seemed annoyed. Why would he be annoyed? No one should ever be involved with HYDRA. No matter how evil they are.
     "She deserves it." He replied bluntly. No emotion at all showed. What had she done to him? What had she done to deserve punishment from HYDRA.
     "How could she deserve HYDRA?" I asked sadly.
     "Because she's a monster!" He shouted. "She should be punished for just being alive!" He kicked a rock. "Her stupid father destroyed New York!" He punched a tree. It fell over after a second.
     "Wait. You want her punished because of her father?" I asked shocked. He looked at me with a "duh" expression.
     "Of course!" I stomped away. I walked into the palace and headed straight for the dungeon.
     I opened the doors and walked to her cell. She smirked when I came by. I walked around and broke down the door. I looked in and saw that she was really sleeping on the stone mattress against the wall. She was curled in a ball, and her shoulders shook. "Layla....." I quietly said as I shook her awake. She jumped up and pinned me to the glass wall inside the cell. Her eyes were dark as she looked at me.
     "What do you want?" She snarled in my face. I pushed her away with my metal arm. She looked at the open door and sprinted to it. She kept running, not giving one glance back.

Layla's POV
    I kept running and running. I ran across the rainbow bridge. I was grabbed from above. I looked up and saw Sam holding me. "Let me go. This won't go well for you." I stated. His grip tightened. I then lit his wings on fire. He immediately let me go. I hit the rainbow bridge with a big thud. I groaned as I slowly sat up. I bit my lip and stood back up. I limped over to Bifröst. When I got there I let the healing properties take over. I sat on the ground out of view from the rainbow bridge.
     "Lady Layla." Heimdall looked over at me.
     "Hey, Heimdall. How's it been over here for the last couple years?" I said as I gripped my side. I felt the warmth of blood. I looked down and saw a piece of metal stuck in my side. I clenched my teeth together and yanked it out.
     "Not the same without you." He said as he watched me. "I cannot let you leave. You know that." He said sadly. I sighed and looked up at him.
     "Please. I need to get away. I won't go back to HYDRA. I'll lay low for a while." I pleaded.
     "Don't try your lies on me, Lady Layla." He rolled his eyes.
     "Just let me go. Please. I can't stay here. Grandfather already killed my best friend." I feel the tears start to well up. He looked at me sadly. He stuck his sword into the contraption to open the Bifröst.
     "Only this once." He said without looking at me. He powered it up.
     "Thank you." I said. Then I was dragged into the Bifröst. My feet hit the stone surface of the Avengers  building. I looked around and felt someone in my head. I turned around.

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