Chapter 28

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Layla's POV
     I fell into the cold dark side. I fell so far away from the shore of light, that I don't even recognize myself. I keep drifting farther and farther away. And I like it. The feelings disappear the farther away from shore I get. I don't feel completely numb yet, but I will soon. The darkness of my room envelopes me as I sit in the dark. I can hear Liam scream from the fire I put on his back.
     I smile. Feel the pain. I thought to myself. I'm glad I burned his shirt. No regrets about it.
     I fell asleep to Liam's screams. The sound around me started to fade away.
'Layla, don't!! You'll regret it!! Stop now!! Or you won't be able to swim back!! Please!!' The voice died out slowly. I look around to see my small bedroom in Asgard.
     I jumped when my father appeared in my room. I pull the covers of my bed higher up to hide myself from him. He inches closer as I push myself farther back. I keep sliding as he steps closer until I hit the wall.
'What's the matter?' He asked so cluelessly. My whole body quivered as I sat there terrified. No, I was horrified. I didn't want him any closer to me than he already was. 'You know what time it is.' He said quietly.
     He roughly reached for me and grabbed my arm. 'Ahhhh' I scream as he drags me off my bed. I knew he blamed me for my mother's death. Even though I didn't know it at the time, he knew that I wasn't actually his daughter. I am Thor's. And Loki would beat me to get to Thor. Although, it never worked that way.
     Loki had to change my appearance daily to hide the fact that I'm Thor's daughter.
     Thor doesn't even know.
     I woke up in a cold sweat. I had just gotten a look into the reason behind the torture I went through. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks as I sat upright on my bed with the covers all around me.
     Why? Why couldn't he have told me? Why did he have to hurt me? But I knew why. I, honestly, even understood why he did it. Even if I didn't want to admit it.
I had killed his wife, and I'm not even his daughter. He blamed me completely. I don't blame him. How could I? He was heartbroken.
He didn't let me go because I was all that was left of his wife and his wife was who kept him together.
I slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom across the hall. When I entered, I noticed how my eyes were now more of a mixture between green and blue. The magic's fading. My black as night hair was still black as night. Guess I got that from Mom. I touched the out-lit and watched as a small string of electricity followed my fingers as I pulled them back. The electricity was still green, though. Wonder how long that will last.
I walked out of the bathroom after changing my eyes back to a vibrant green. No one should know, yet. I walked back to my room.
"Heimdall? Don't tell Thor." I whispered to my ceiling. "I don't want him to know." I slowly walked back over to my bed and sat on it. I can't possibly sleep now. As soon as I lay down, though, I was instantly asleep.
     I woke up and felt the urge of hunger. I slowly got up and walked to the cafeteria. I grabbed some waffles and sat down by Adam.
"Hey...." I groggily said. He looked up just as tiredly as I had sat down.
"Hi........" He whispered. He yawned and then I yawned. We both grabbed our forks and started eating.
I looked over Adam's head and saw Autumn and Liam sitting together. They were both laughing. Autumn looked like she was finally a little okay. She threw her head back as she laughed. Liam looked over at her with a smirk. He looked happy as well.
"Did you sleep well?" Adam asked out of the blue. I shook my head and looked at him sadly.
"How about you?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nightmares?" He nodded his head. Figures.
"Finish eating and get ready for a big assignment! Each of you!!" A voice said coming out of the intercom. No thanks. I thought to myself as I sat there debating wether to go or not. Adam quickly ate and then stood up.
     "Aren't you coming?" He asked hurriedly.
     "Fine." I said slowly. I gradually got up and walked over to the trash. Throwing away the remains of my food I turned around and walked with Adam to his room. We got to his room then I walked back to mine.
     I saw Autumn on the way. "How are you holding up?" I cautiously asked.
     "Why would you care?" She snapped at me.
     "Just wondering." I replied  with a shrug of my shoulders.
     "Not great. Thanks for asking." She growled. Angry much?
     "Well, I hope you feel better soon." I said trying to lighten up the mood.
     "Thanks for nothing." She said with tears starting to prick at her eyes. She turned around and walked away. Okay then. I kept walking to my room.
     I opened my door and walking in while turning the lights on. I grabbed a camouflage, long sleeve shirt and black cargo pants. I tucked my shirt inside my pants then pulled my combat boots over top of my pants.

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