Chapter 18

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Unknown POV
     "What do you mean she's 'not here'?" An angry uncle shouted to the receptionist, slamming his fists onto the receptionist's desk- cracking it. He was only worried for the safety of his only niece. Right? Maybe it was the fact that no one "hung out" with him like his niece did. Just because the Captain said he needed her for experimentation, that didn't mean they were going to hurt her, right? Or was he possibly wrong.......
     This uncle had made a promise to his niece. He told her that if anything happened to her father, he would be there for her......... But he wasn't. Maybe it was because he couldn't. But he should've. He shouldn't have left her on her own. He should've used his brain like his brother had all the time.
He decided to leave. He left the building with a drooling receptionist at the desk. He tensed and relaxed his muscles repeatedly.
He didn't feel it until he was falling to the sidewalk face first.
*Groan* He opened his eyes and looked around; seeing as he was in a windowless room with one light bulb- over his head. His head hurt greatly. He moved his hand to rub his forehead, finding his wrists were cuffed.
"Do you have access to Avenger Tower?" A voice way too familiar asked. His head shot up the second he heard her voice. Layla......... Crap. Even though she was his niece, she looked like she would easily kill him in two seconds flat. Plus, he was supposed to secretly bring her in.
She had much longer hair now. It was down to mid-thigh. But now, she had green highlights. Where had she gotten them?
"I get too mad sometimes, and then they just started to appear." Had she read his mind? "Yes, I did. How's dad?" Layla asked staring right into his eyes. Her cold green eyes could pierce into the depths of your soul.
"Um. I have not seen him in a while. Have you?" He replied cautiously. She just glared at him. At the fact that he could be so stupid as to think she had seen Loki lately. Had he not realized who or what his brother is? No, that wasn't the case. He knew what his brother was capable of. How he could be so kind and loving and caring, and the next second he would be tearing you to shreds? Maybe he just wanted his brother back. Maybe he just wanted Layla to see him again as the loving father he could be.
     "That's an idiotic question." She replied without emotion moments later. "He left, y'know? He left me for a woman my age to be his wife." She was glaring into Thor's eyes watching every movement because she was fully aware that he was trying to escape. "I would stop if I were you." He was so close to getting them off when he froze at her words. So close.
     "What are you referring to?" He shakily asked. He wasn't sure if it was the handcuffs she was talking about, or maybe she was reading his mind again and wasn't liking what she saw.
     "Stop with the handcuffs. I won't let you go anywhere anyway." She replied pinching the bridge of her nose. After, she ran a hand through her hair and looked at the ground. "I thought my last encounter with him would be different. That he would be glad to see me. That wasn't the case." This was all said with long breaks in between. It was almost as if she were about to cry and breathing long breaths in between helped her. "I'm leaving for a bit. Don't ty anything." She did a wave of her hand and he was put into yet another illusion.
     He was with Jane. Layla knew his weaknesses. Great. Her beautiful brown hair flowing down to the middle of her back. She looked at him with big brown eyes. They sparkled as she looked up at him. She had this huge grin on her face. When Thor turned to look around him, he saw that what she was smiling at was a field full of dead and bloody bodies. His eyebrows crinkled together as he slowly turned to look at Jane. That was when he realized she was covered in blood herself— holding a bloody knife. "Jane, what did you do?" He asked cautiously.
     "I did this for you, Thor. Don't you remember? You told me to do this." Jane now had a frown. Her eyebrows were so scrunched together they looked to be as one. "You helped me. Remember?" He looked down at himself to see that he, also, was covered in blood— not his own, though. What had he done?
All of a sudden, it disappeared. "I liked that one, personally." His eyes snapped in the direction of the voice. "Although, you'll never know what actually happened there. Only I do." Layla said staring off into the distance. A strand of black hair was twisted around her finger. Her eyes slowly made their way over to him. To see that he was sweating profusely. His blue eyes were darkened because of anger. His dirty-blonde hair sticking in all different directions.
"Was it real." He asked through gritted teeth. Layla but her lip in thought.
"I guess we'll never know." She had a slight smirk on the edge of her mouth. He broke the cuffs. He sprinted to her— just barely missing her. He attempted to pin her to a wall, but she was already out the door and sprinting across the street.
He sprinted across the street in pursuit after her. She easily dodged pedestrians due to her small figure. He, on the other hand, was quite a large guy, so he shoved people out of the way which slowed his pace greatly. He came to a halt when he saw Jane walk across the street a few meters away. "Jane." He breathed. But then she disappeared into thin air. He desperately searched for Jane.
     "Thor?" A hand rested on his shoulder. His whole body turned to the direction of the voice.
     "Jane? Jane!" He wrapped his arms around her. But she vanished the second he touched her. "Jane!! Come back!! Please....." he whispered the last part. People gave him strange looks. As if he had seen a ghost.
     "She's not coming back, Thor. I should know." A voice whispered in his head. How would you know? He asked her. "Because that was like how Dad left me." She mumbled. "Find your way back home. You won't find me anymore." With that she was gone and out of his mind.

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