Chapter 14

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12 hours a day, the amount of time that I get to drown all my sorrows and complaints into my work. Sounds like so much fun, I know. I started my job a few weeks ago. It is a pretty fun job. I like helping people gain the strength to use their body parts again.
*Click* I slide down my door, pull my knees to my chest, wrap my arms around my knees, and sit in my apartment alone in the dark. Silence is my solitude these days. I enjoy the dark. Why? Because it feels like I am blind to the world around me including my thoughts. I can just sit there and not worry about what is happening around me. I know most people would be afraid of not knowing what's around them, but I have lived knowing what's around me because otherwise I would lose my life. But a lot of times my thoughts are way louder than the silence. Thinking about what Dad had said, "I never loved you......" It brings unwanted tears to my eyes, and as much as I don't want them to flow- they do. I guess there were just too many tears for my eyes to hold. Why would he say that. If I weren't so angry I probably would have flinched at his statement.
     Tears streamed down my cheeks. I didn't even move to wipe them. Quiet sobs escape my lips as I sit with my head on my knees and my knees pulled to my chest with my arms tightly around them.

*Bam* I hear my pans clatter on the floor. I quietly stand up wiping my tears off my cheeks with the back of my hand. I silently walk through my apartment to the kitchen. Take note of the fact that I ran into a few walls. I wasn't paying attention.Heh heh. I silently open the kitchen door and step in to see a bewildered....... "Thor?" I turn on the kitchen lights giving light to Thor, with a face covered in browny crumbs. "Pfft. Ahahahahahahahah!" I burst into fits of laughter. I doubled over clutching my stomach. I was gasping for breath when I finally stopped. I look up to see a very annoyed Thor.
"You scared me." He mumbled. He was staring at the floor like it is the most fascinating thing in the world. He looks up at me with a sheepish smile. His eyebrows knit together in confusion as he looks at my face. Oh yeah, I was crying just a minute ago. Realizing this my smile falters and I am the one now who is looking at the ground. I see how the floor is so fascinating now. I look up and see Thor right in front of me. I step back a little backwards.
     "What is the matter?" Thor asked worriedly.
     Wiping my tears I answer with a sniffle, "Um, I ran into Dad today....." His already wide eyes widened even more. He came toward me and wrapped his large arms around my small body. I quietly cried into his armor. He rubbed my back while placing his chin on the top of my head. He whispered encouraging words while my sobs got louder. I can't do this. I can't.
- - -
     Thor stayed with me that night, but he went home early the next morning. I wish he was still here. I honestly needed the comfort as much as I hated to admit it. I realized that if my dad wasn't going to be there for me at least Thor would be sometimes. At least I had emotional support?
     I decided that if no one was going to protect me I would result in working for HYDRA. It was home to me. As much as I hated working for them before, I would at least be to distracted to worry about me dad. Maybe even forget him...... I mean, who leaves there 17 year old daughter to fend for herself? That's just cruel.
I knew that working for HYDRA I could lose all my memories, but it's not like it hasn't happened before. I'm sure they wouldn't brainwash me due to the fact I would be coming willingly. Yeah........willingly.........
- -
What I did to get HYDRA's attention was I went and broke into the Avengers Tower. Again. I turned off all the cameras and alarm systems for a matter of 2 minutes. I, personally, blame JARVIS for figuring out I messed them all up. But HYDRA was always hooked into the Avengers systems and the Avengers didn't even know it. Now, HYDRA knows I exist. Good.
- -
5 weeks later and I am in HYDRA. I'm at so happy. Even though they didn't wipe my memories I put all my anger on my work in the field.
I assassinated the emperor of China out of pure resentment. He sent out women and children to fight on the battle field just to die. Who does that?! Anyway, I also imprisoned the President of the U.S. for answers. Granted, I didn't interrogate him. I wish I had. I brutally murdered the wife of Loki. Heh heh. That was just a side thing............ I've killed about 10 of the non-important S.H.I.E.L.D agents. Maybe I can have a mission to take out one of the bigger ones.
"Agent Cooper!" My boss yells from his office. I'm walking along the halls of the building stifling a laugh as the scrawny boy runs past me. Agent Cooper isn't the brightest guy around. He was on a mission with me once........
"You distract him and then I'll take home out. Got it?" I told Agent Kace Cooper. He nodded vigorously. While I explained the instructions to Cooper he just dashed and distracted the wrong guy. *smack* that was me smacking my forehead.
"I'll give you three seconds to run." The guard bluntly told Cooper. Cooper shuddered and then ran for the hills leaving me in the shadows having to finish the mission by myself. The mission was to find out what the ruler of the Middle East was going to do.
I finished the mission blowing up the building and everyone inside and in a 10 meter radius. I got to the helicopter and saw Cooper shaking in fear. "What?!" I snapped at him earning a jump from him.
"N-n-nothing!" He said too quickly. I gave him a death glare then sat in a car farthest from Kace sliding down the seat so my butt was almost off the seat.I fell asleep and woke up when we got back to headquarters.
I walked down to Commander's office and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" His voice rang from on the other side of the door. Did he not get any sleep? His voice wasn't usually this raspy.
"Agent Hartfel, Sir." I replied confidently. HYDRA gave me a last name so they didn't have to call me "Layla."
"Come in." He replied bluntly. I opened the door to see his eyes glued to the laptop screen. His eyes had dark purple bags underneath.
"Didn't get much sleep,Commander?" I asked cautiously. He looked up at me and glared. After 2 seconds his eyes were back on the laptop.
"Agent Cooper left the mission early, Sir, leaving me to finish it." I said getting to the reason I actually came to his office. He looked up at me with eyes showing no surprise. His face held no emotion what so ever.
"Ok." He said curtly.
"That's it!?" I yelled. "You're only going to say 'ok'?" He nodded in response.
"He didn't have to be on that mission with you. You could have done that all on your own." My nostrils flared in anger. Calming myself I continued with the information on the mission.
"Prince Farah is playing to blow up an HYDRA base in Arabia." He looked up with and eyebrow raised.
"And he thinks he can take down one of our bases?" He said laughing a little. He looked at me and said, "You may leave now." With a wave of his hand I was walking out the door and shutting it behind me.
- -
That was an interesting mission. "Agent Cooper! Watch your step." I shouted at him. He looked back and ended up tripping on the step. I let out a long sigh and continued down the hallway.
I turned the corner heading to my quarters and ran right into a very, very firm (hard?) chest. I stumbled back holding my head. Rubbing my head I looked up at the tall, blue-haired man....

 Rubbing my head I looked up at the tall, blue-haired man

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A.N Cliffhanger!! HAH!! I have never actually wrote a cliffhanger before. It was probably a really bad one. Lol. Anyway. Vote? Comment? Have a great rest of you day. Love you all!! Until next time!! If you want to email me covers email me at

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