Chapter 27

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Third Person POV
     The sound echoed through the entire cafeteria. Liam has smacked Adam. No doubt about that. Adam hadn't even looked back to see who Layla was looking at. She saw Adam's face move to the side from the force of the hit. Her mouth sat slightly agape.
     Liam looked extremely angry.
     "Why did you do that?" She asked under her breath. He slowly looked up at her. His eyes were filled with so much hatred. He turned around and walked away.
     "Give me a second." Layla told Adam not even looking at him. She got up and moved the table a bit as she ran after Liam. She grabbed onto his shoulder and yanked him to look at her.
     "What the heck was that?!" She shouted at him. He shrugged her off and kept walking. "No! You don't get to do that!" She yelled.
     "Do what?" He asked with an annoyed tone as he turned to her. His eyes rolled as he turned.
     "You can't just slap my friends!! You don't have the right to." Layla said anger lacing her voice.
     "Oh, yeah?" He said through a slight chuckle. He shoved her back. "What're you gonna do about it, huh?" He smirked in her face. He had to slightly bend down to look at her.
     "And you're not even worth being his friend. You can't earn that right. You're not worth his time anyway." He smirked as he said that. Seriously?
     "I probably don't, but you still can't just walk up to someone and slap them, you jerk." She said as her eyes welled up with tears. Layla punched him in the gut and went back to Adam. Liam doubled over and held his stomach. He had forgotten how strong she was.
     He regretted what he said—even if it was months ago. But he could never take it back. Even thought he wanted to. It was more like he needed to take back what he said because it was tearing him up from the inside out. He was killing himself. And no one could stop it but Layla; she didn't plan on coming back anytime soon—if not ever.
     "I have to go. I'm so sorry for what he did. You didn't deserve that." She apologetically said as she grabbed her plate and walked over to the trash. Layla threw her plate into the trash maybe a little bit to aggressively. The trash had started on fire. She kept walking—more like stomping. Never once did she glance back. Her black hair bobbed up and down against her shoulders. Screw this. She lit Liam's clothes on fire without out even looking at him.
Liam smelt burning. He looked behind him and saw the flames on his back. He tried swatting them away as Adam started crying of laughter. Maybe now he'll regret what he's done. Layla thought to herself.
Layla opened her bedroom door and walked in. Her back slid down the door and she held her head in her hands.
     Autumn was alone. Again. Nothing to stop her from doing anything she wanted. She had gone on rampage. People had been killed. Yes, by Autumn. She didn't care. She never would. She had dived into the dark side. No regrets yet. Or at least she thought. Jason had to watch as his best friend turned into a monster. And he left her on her own. Maybe he was just a coward. Maybe, whenever a problem came up, he ran. So he ran. Ran away from the "problem" that was ruining his life.
     Autumn needed Jason, but she knew he would never come back. Not even if she asked. Not even if she turned back to who she was before. Because she knew that, once he left something, he would never come back to it. Not in a million years. She wished for him to come back. Hoped that one day he could forget and could help her not cry every night. To be there for her even when she pushed him away. But he wouldn't.
She told him to go. He voluntarily obliged. But she wanted him to stay. She begged him internally to not leave her even if she told him to. And he knew she was internally screaming for him to stay, but he left anyway.
     Give into dark side. No one will notice. Fall into the dark side. It'll protect you. It'll turn you cold. So cold that you can't feel emotions. Layla smiled at the thought. I know you want to. Just fall in. Forget everything. It'll be better. I promise. Would it really be so bad to escape reality? Would it really be so bad not to have emotions? Would it be okay? It would be better than the life she was living, right? Of course it would. Don't wait for the truth to blind you!! Let go of the light!! We're running out of time. Maybe just for a little bit.Falling into the endless darkness would give her nothing but numbness. And she wanted numbness. No, I need the numbness. She told herself. But deep inside, she knew she didn't.
Maybe the dark side could hide her demons. Maybe it could stop the venom slowly crawling through her veins. Or maybe it could just let the venom take her over quickly to turn her into a cold hearted monster. To turn her cold before the small loving heart within her couldn't take over.
There would be no love around her. No matter how much she searched. No matter how much she would long for it. This was better. Wasn't it? She asked herself. The demons inside her made the offer look so enticing.
     This was the Superman she was waiting for. The one that was going to save her from herself. The one that could hide the pain. It would last, right? She would be okay, right?
     Giving in was the easy part. The light would be gone form her life forever now. But she needs that light so desperately that she doesn't even know she needs it. It was a hole that she was about to fill with darkness. With hatred and coldness. She didn't even care about the consequences.
     So what would she choose to do?

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