Not an ugly duckling anymore

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Hermione Granger wasn't the prettiest girl, she knew that. She didn't care about makeup or styling her hair every day. She was more of the bookish type. Books where her best friend well except for Harry and Ron but books where her friend. She likes books because well they couldn't talk back at her. Hermione was packing her trunk getting ready to leave to the Weasley's. She sighed as she missed the wizarding  world. Her parents being muggles she didn't get to enjoy life in the wizarding world during the time she wasn't in Hogwarts. With that last of her things packed she closed her trunk and rolled it down the stairs. Her mother Jean Granger greeted her at the bottom of the stairs. " Oh my beautiful daughter is grownup, i can't believe it, it feels just like yesterday you where getting your letter to go to Hogwarts and now you are about to go in your fourth year"! " Oh mom I will be back during Christmas break it's not like I'm moving out, I'm only spending the rest of the summer with the Weasley's". A couple minutes later the sound of a loud pop of Apparation singled that Author and Bill Weasley has arrived. Jean Granger walked over to the door to let in the gentleman. "Hello Mrs. Granger I'm Authur Weasley and this is my oldest son Bill Weasley we are here to pick up your daughter Hermione". Said Authur
Weasley holding his hand out for Jean to take. Jean Granger toke Author's hand and shook it. She let Bill and Authur in. Bill walked over to Hermione's truck put his hand and waved bye as he apparated out of the Granger house. "All right Hermione lets go it was a pleasure meeting you Mrs.Granger". Said Author as he stretched out his hand for Hermione to take. Hermione took Author's hand waved goodbye to her mother and apprated out. When Hermione walked into the Barrow she was greeted by one of Molly's famous bone squeezing hugs. "Hello Mrs.Weasley it's nice to see you too". Wheezed Hermione. "Oh Hermione dear it's good to see you". Said Molly letting go of Hermione. Ginny who must of heard what was happening down stairs came rushing down the stairs squealing as she hugged Hermione in a hug that could rival her mothers. " Hey Gin". Said Hermione to the younger witch. Ginny finally let go of Hermione from her hug "oh Hermione you have know idea how long I have been waiting all summer to see you again". Said Ginny squealing. "Yeah me too Gin is Harry here"? Ginny blushed as she was reminded of the crush she has on the wizard. "No Harry is not here ". Said Ginny responding to Hermione's question. "Let's go up to my room Bill has already but your trunk there". Said Ginny pulling Hermione up the stairs. 

Early the next morning
Hermione walked down to Ron's room where she knew her two best friends where sleeping. She cracked the door a little bit to make sure she found the right room. She smiled when she heard Ron snoring softly in his sleep. She opened the door all of the way and walked over to Harry's bed. Harry was holding his scar and thrashing around on his bed. Hermione started to shake Harry lightly worrying about him. "Harry Harry please wake up it's just a dream". Whispered Hermione to Harry. Harry woke up breathing heavily and quickly put his glasses on. "Hermione it's just you".
Said Harry has he started to get out of bed. Hermione walked over to Rons bed. "Ronald get up everyone is waiting downstairs for you to get up". Said Hermione frankly shaking Ron. Ron woke up startled and pulled the covers up to his chest as he sat up " Bliemany Hermione why are you waking us up so early". Whined Ron. Hermione rolled her eyes and walked back towards the door and before she exited she looked at both boys and in her bossy voice " Don't go to bed you two if you want breakfast you two might want to hurry". Hermione closed the door behind her and started walking down stairs. When Hermione reached the table Fred looked up to see Hermione sitting across from him next to his sister. His breath caught in his throat. He looked up and down Hermione he realized that her hair wasn't as bushy as it used to be and her buck teeth where gone and straight. To Fred Hermione looked more like a princess than the bookworm look she used to have. Hearing the thumping coming from the stairs Fred's eyes went off of Hermione and on the two teenage boys who just came down the stairs. Fred realized that he wasn't the only one to see Hermione's change has he caught a certain missy raven black hair boys stare. Fred groaned to himself if his thoughts are true then Harry has a crush on Hermione. Great he thought if Harry really does have a crush on Hermione it was going to be a hard time wooing over Hermione. "Alright everyone let's get going it's a long walk to the portkey." Said Authur Weasley as he stood up from the table.

After a long walk, Authur Weasley stopped walking to greet another man. "Ah Amos it's nice to see you where is this young man that you keep talking about"? "Mr. Weasley it's a pleasure to meet you". Said Cedric as he jumped out of the tree. " Author is those all of your children". Gasped Amos Diggory
"No, no Amos my children are the ones with red hair the other two are Harry Potter and Hermione Granger". Said Author pointing at Hermione and Harry. Cedric looked around the Weasley clan his eyes landed on Hermione. Cedric has seen Hermione in the halls in the library from time to time and he has seen her in the great hall with Harry and Ron. He has noticed while looking at Hermione like a
certain two other boys have noticed is that Hermione isn't a ugly duckling anymore.

Word count 1020

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