Um...Quiddich anyone?

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It was the biggest quidditch game of the year. Slythern Vs. Gryffindor. Hermione sported her boyfriend's practice quidditch Jersey with a bright 5 on the back, Fred's number. Hermione was sitting next to Ginny who had Charlie's old quidditch Jersey who's number was number seven. "Good Morning, babe." Said Fred as he kissed Hermione's Check and sat down, next to her. Hermione looked over at her boyfriend he had all of his quidditch gear on. "Like what you see Granger." Said Fred his eyes never leaving the food on his plate. Hermione's eyes became wide and her cheeks became a bright red. Fred looked up only to start laughing. Hermione got out of her shock a playfully swatted at Fred. Which quickly stoped Fred's laughter. Fred grappled his arm and mockingly said "Hey! Don't hurt me! I have to be okay for the game today!" Hermione just smiled at her boyfriend and just shook her head as she went back to eating. But Fred wasn't done "You know you look hot with my jersey on you, maybe I should of given it you weeks ago if I knew you would look like that." Remarked Fred. Hermione choked a bit when she heard Fred's words. Harry couldn't help but think "You do look amazing in a quidditch Jersey but I wish it had a number seven and Potter on the back instead of the number five and Weasley." Thought Harry
**Quidditch Pitch**
Angelina Johnson the Quidditch Captain has finished her speech "All right everyone this is the third quidditch game and it's against Slytherin so this is the best game of this season.So let's play this the best you can!" The Team nodded in agreement as the mounted there brooms. "All right let's introduce the Gryffindor Team!" Yelled Lee over the microphone. The Gryffindor flew out with proud smiles on there faces. "Starting with our Captain Angelina Johnson as a chaser, next with Alicia Spinnet also a chaser along with Katie Bell who is also chaser and the last chaser. Next we have Fred Weasley as a Beater along with his twin brother George Weasley as the other Beater. Next is the famous Harry Potter as the Gryffindor seeker. And last but not least Ron Weasley as the Keeper!" Announced Lee. "Alright I want a clean game form both teams." Announced Professor Hooch as she throw the quaffle into the air.  The game was super close the whole time. Gryffindor would be in the lead with Slythein right behind. Then it would flip flop Slythein in the lead with Gryffindor not far behind. Both Draco and Harry haven't seen the golden snitch. But Harry couldn't help but keep his eyes on a certain bushy brown haired Gryffindor girl in the Gryffindor crowds. In the corner of his eye Harry saw Malfoy fly by. Tearing his eyes off Hermione he chased after Malfoy thinking he was going after the snitch. Harry speed forward as he saw the snitch in front of him. "Just a few more feet." Thought Harry. Draco wasn't far behind Harry felt his stare on the back of his neck. Draco promptly pasted it up. Now side by side Draco and Harry fought for the snitch. But like always Harry caught the snitch meaning that Gryffindor won the game by an extra 10 points over Slytherin. "Hey Potter, you want to know why you're mother died that night? Because she couldn't stand the sight of you." Yelled Draco. "Shut up Malfoy" yelled Harry. "Hit a nerve didn't I?" Tainted Draco.  Oh, and Weasel's your mother is fat and ugly just like you." mocked Draco. "That's enough Malfoy." granted Fred. George to angry to say anything. "Oh, I'm not done know weasel's your father's choice in jobs is such pathetic. He had the choice of higher-paying jobs but choose the one that doesn't pay a lot?" mocked Draco Angela lost her grip on George as he went after Malfoy. George jumped on Malfoy and was soon followed by Harry and his twin brother Fred. "Enough!" Someone Yelled in the crowd. Everyone stopped and turned around to see Umbridge standing there read in the face. "You three boys." Umbridge said pointing at Harry Fred and George "Are banded from quidditch for life!" Yelled Umbridge. Harry's heart Stopped Quidditch was one of the best things that has happened to him since he entered this world. Quidditch DA and his friends were the only thing he looked forward seeing/ doing recently. Those three things/ people were his world! "Excuse me?" Asked Harry. Umbridge turned towards Harry "You Heard- me Mr.Potter you and Mr.Weasley's will be banned from quidditch for life!" Yelled Umbridge. "You can't do that." Yelled Angelina Johnson. Umbridge looked at Angelina Johnson "Yes I can." Barked Umbridge. "But Gryffindor won't have a beater or a seeker!" Cried  Angelina Johnson. "Well, Ms. Johnson that's not my problem." Said Umbridge as she walked away. "Now what am I going to do?" Mumbled Angelina. She just lost three players in one day three good player to be exact. "Hey Angelina, I know someone who can replace Harry's spot." Said Hermione. "Really?" Asked Angelina "Yes,Ginny Weasley she's really good." Replayed Hermione Angelina looked at Ginny "Is this true are you really good at seeker?" "I guess so my brother's say I am but I prefer Chaser." Replied Ginny. Angelina smiled "Good then, you can take Harry's spot for the year and maybe next year you can go for chaser." Said Angelina. Ginny smiled at the older witch. "Now I just need to find two new beaters." Sighed Angelina "I know two good beaters." Said Ginny "You do?" Asked Angelina "Yes, Seamus Finniagan  and Dean Thomas are both good at it!" Exclaimed Ginny Angelina smiled at the younger girl "Thank Ginny I'll talk to them later oh and thanks Hermione you're a life saver." Said Angelina "It was nothing Angelina I don't want Gryffindor to lose the Quidditch cup because of me." Replied Hermione.
Word count 1003

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