Meet Luna Lovegood

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Harry couldn't believe it he was on his way back home, Hogwarts. Hogwarts his home the home that he was afraid that hell would never be able to step foot into again. Harry looked around the compartment Hermione was reading a book while leaning her head on his shoulder. Harry smiled at the sight. He then looked over at Ron he was fast asleep and snoring. Next to Ron was Neville with his arm draped around Ginny. As the two started to date a couple weeks before the Yule Ball. Then at the end of the seat sat a girl with wavy blonde hair that when down to the end of her back. Harry couldn't think of her name was it looney Lovegood or was it Luna Lovegood. He couldn't tell. Luna was reading the Quibbler upside down. Harry looked over at Ron and saw him looking at the Ravenclaw. Harry smirked at Ron who's face turned red as a tomato, as he was caught by his friend. Harry felt a weight land on his lap and noticed that Hermione fell asleep while reading. Harry started to massage her head and looked down to see a faint smile on her face. That made Harry's smile to become bigger. As the train started to slow down Harry noticed that they were now in Hogsmeade. Harry leaned down and whispered into Hermione's ear "Hermione we hear it's time to wake up." Hermione grunted in response. Harry sighed the only thing left to do was pick her up and levitate their luggage and walk to the carriages. He saw Luna, Ginny, Neville, and Ron waiting for them. Ron smirked at the site in front of him. Harry smirked back at him. Harry noticed that there are horses pulling the carriages this year. "Am I the only one that notices the horses pulling the carriages?" Questioned Harry. Hermione that was now awake answered with "There isn't horses Harry there never is just like every year." Luna who hasn't spoken yet "I see them too you're just as sane as I am." Luna hops  into the carriage with Ron closely behind. Ginny following her brother then Neville quickly behind with Harry and Hermione having to sit next to each other. After a couple of minutes later Luna broke the silence saying "I hope they have pudding I really want pudding."
   **Great Hall**
Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Neville sat together waiting for the first years to walk in. What seemed to be forever Professor McGonagall walked in with a bunch of first years. At the end of the sorting Gryffindor gained 10 new members. Ravenclaw gained 6 new members. Slytherin gained 15 new members and Hufflepuff gained 6 new members. Dumbledore stood up from his seat and walked over to the podium. "I would like to welcome the first years! I would also like to remind everyone that the forbidden forest is still forbidden! I would also like everyone to meet the new Defense Against The Dark Arts Teacher Ms. Dolores Umbridge. I would like to.." Dumbledore was cut off by Umbridge "ehm" Dumbledore looked over at Umbridge. "Thank you Professor Dumbledore for that wonderful speech. But I would like to say a few words myself. By the Misters orders I was sent here to teach you all about defense against the dark arts. I hope that each and one of you that we will become great friends." Under there breath George and Fred Whispered "not likely." Umbridge must of heard the two as she stoped her speech to quickly look at the two boys. "As I was saying. Started Umbridge this year will be the best year."
****Great Hall next morning*****
To Harry's displeasure Hermione and Fred came walking into the Great Hall together. The worst part there were talking. Even worse Hermione seemed to enjoy the conversation. Harry couldn't help but let jealously come though. But Harry told himself that Hermione wouldn't want a guy like him if he was always jealous so Harry shook of the jealousy and hugged Hermione when she reached the table.
****on the way to charms class***************
Harry couldn't help with the smile that reached to his ears. He looked down at the small frugal hand that held his. As they walked into the class the Golden trio sat down near the front on the Gryffindor side while the Ravenclaws sat on the Ravenclaw side.
Word count 739
**********Author note***********************
I'm sorry this chapter was very short. I'm in need of ideas so if you have any ideas let me know.

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