Fred Weasley?

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Harry walked up the stairs of grimmauld place hearing his secret lover and best friend Hermione Granger crying. He had no idea how she must be feeling right now has just barely over a month ago Harry came back from the graveyard with a dead Cedric. He would never forget that night. He walked up to the door where he heard his best friend crying. He opened to see Fred Weasley comforting Hermione. Harry let out a low growl Fred must of heard him as he looked up and gave Harry a smirk. Harry quietly closed the door. Damn that Weasley comforting HIS Hermione! Harry was caught up In benign jealous of Cedric that he forgot that Fred wasn't the only one who liked Hermione romantically. Sirius saw his godson was in a horrible mood and the famous Potter temper was about to come out. So Sirius did the only thing he knew to calm down his godson was he grabbed Harry by the shoulder and pulled him into a room and silenced the room with his wand. Sirius turned towards Harry and asked "Let me guess your mad because you walked into Fred comforting Hermione and you have a problem with that because you love her and Fred also has strong feelings for her too. I'm correct right?" Harry's jaw hit the floor. Sirius chuckled and shook his head " Remember I had to help your father when he was trying to get your mother to date him." Harry looked down at the ground and replayed "I love her Sirius she's the only woman that I see marring, baring my children, there have been nights where I stay up the whole night daydreaming about what our children would look like, a girl with her honey brown hair and my Emerald eyes and a son with my jet black hair and her beautiful honey brown eyes. I don't think I could live without her Sirius." Finished Harry as he looked up at his godfather. "Harry I think what you should do is show her that you love her by small hints at a time.And don't get jealous when or if she dates another boy. Understand?" Said Sirius. Harry shook his head in agreement. Harry knew that he couldn't just blurt it out he loved her at least not yet. He would have to wait until he was to impatient and needed to tell her his feelings for her. Sirius unlocked the door and took the silence charm off. Sirius walked out "You probably want some time to your self come out when your done." Said Sirius to Harry. Harry slid down the wall and pt his head onto his knees. He thought about everything, everything he has been though the passed four years. He thought about how he fell in love with his best friend Hermione Granger. Hermione Potter it had a nice ring to it in his opinion. He thought about what Sirius just said to him. He was going to take his advice and hope that in the end his advice would work. He believed it would it worked for his father so why can't it work for him? Harry got up and walked out of the door. Harry froze from the scene happening in front of him Fred and Hermione were walking down hand in hand. Harry walked back into the room and slid back down the wall. Fred was looking lovely into Hermione's eyes. And what it looked like Hermione was looking lovely back into Fred's eyes. Harry shook his head he didn't want to walk out of this room jealous. He didn't want to be an ass to Hermione it wouldn't help him in the long run. Harry got back up and walked out of the room and head towards the kitchen were he knew everyone would be ready for dinner. Molly Weasley's cooking filled up the house as Harry walked closer to the kitchen. Harry opened the door to find everyone but Mrs. Weasley sitting down. Harry's smile widened when he noticed that there was an open seat next to Hermione. Harry walked over and sat down next to Hermione his smile going to his ears. Harry looked down the table he found Fred Weasley giving him a glare but the glare went away when his twin touched his shoulder. Harry grabbed Hermione's hand from under the table. Harry felt Hermione squeezing his hand. Harry squeezed Hermione's hand back.
          The Ministry of magic
Harry was a nervous wreck he didn't want to be expelled from Hogwarts his home. Harry would die if he couldn't go back Hogwarts was the only place where he could be himself. Harry silently thanked Mr. Weasley walking him to the court room. He really did wish Mr.Weasley a father figure to him could walk in with him. As Harry walked into the room he felt all eyes were on him that really didn't help with his nervousness at all. "Mr. Potter please sit down in the chair." Asked the Minster Fudge. Harry slowly plopped himself into the chair. Fudges head turned to the judges "We will start this trail once Mr. Albums Dumbledore shows up." If summoned Dumbledore made his presence known "You don't think ill would be late to a trial for one of my favorite students." Said Dumbledore as he walked behind Harry's chair. Fudge grunts "Alright lets get this over with." Fudge asks the first question "Mr. Potter was or was not a dementor?" "Yes sir there was two dementors." Answered Harry. Fudge huffed "Someone get the Veritaserum." Yelled Fudge. Someone scrambled out of their chair and out of the room. A few minutes later the same person came back with a small bottle and handed it to Harry. Harry gulped the potion down quickly. "Okay Mr. Potter let's ask that question again was there or was not a dementor?" Demand Fudge. "Yes sir there was two dementors I just was trying to protect my cousin and I." Replied Harry. Fudge looked over to the judges "Does anyone believe that Mr. Harry James Potter shall be expelled from Hogwarts raise your hand now or forever hold your peace." Only one hand went up the only hand to go up belonged to none other than Dolores Umbridge . Fudge looked back at Harry and said " Mr.Potter you are free to go you will not be expelled from Hogwarts." Harry smiled as he got out of the chair and quickly walked out.
12 Grimmauld Place
Harry was barely in the door when Hermione attacked him with a hug. " Oh Harry you have no idea how worried I am." Cried Hermione. Harry put his head on Hermione's shoulder and whispered into her ear "I'm going to Hogwarts Hermione."
Word count 1127

I just want to say I know that's not how the trail really went but that's how I wanted it to go.

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