Please Cedric!

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Slowly a week has gone by after the awkward scene that happened in the ROR. Hermione was quietly in the library studying waiting for her boyfriend Cedric  to show up. Hermione sighed as she looked down at her watch Cedric was already ten minutes late. Hermione sighed again as she just decided that she would study anyways and yell at Cedric later. A few minutes has passed when Hermione felt a arm rap around her, Hermione instantly thought it was her boyfriend put her head on his chest. After a couple of seconds Hermione realized that this chest was more toned than her boyfriend's. Hermione picked up her head to find herself looking at a smug face Viktor Krum. "Viktor could you please take your arm off of me please?" Asked Hermione. Viktor shook his head no " Not til your mine Herminny." Whispered Viktor. Without any warning Viktor's lips crashed on hers. A loud gasp could be heard and Viktor broke the kiss. Hermione looked to see who seen the scene there in fronted her was her boyfriend Cedric. Hermione jumped up from her seat and walked over to Cedric. " Ced it isn't." Hermione was cut of by Cedric " Don't call me Ced Granger I should of known that something was going on between you and Krum." Growled Cedric. "Cedric please it was nothing Viktor kisses me and I didn't kiss him back!" Pleaded Hermione. Cedric ignored her and walked over to Viktor and punched him in the face. "I bet your glad now she's all yours as we are over!" Growled Cedric as he picked up his back and hurried out of the library. Hermione was quick on his heels. "Cedric please you have to listen to me nothing happened it was all Viktor be kissed me and I didn't kiss him back." Said Hermione crying. Cedric turned around. "You didn't do a good job about pushing him off now did you! I love you Hermione but you clearly don't love me!" Yelled Cedric as he walked faster down the hall. Hermione slid down the wall crying in her hands. She couldn't believe it, it was all bloody Viktor's fail and yet Cedric couldn't see that. Hermione heard footsteps but decided to ignore them. Then she heard the mystery person slide down next to her and rap a arm around her. Hermione noticed that it was her best friend Harry when the familiar sent of polished wood and fresh cut grass hit her nose. "Oh Harry." Sobbed Hermione into Harry's shirt. "What is it Mione why are you crying?" Whispered Harry.  Hermione snuffed and took in a couple of deep breath. "Harry Cedric he... he broke up with me." Cried Hermione as she tried to stuff her head father into Harry's shirt. Harry gritted his teeth he couldn't believe it Cedric told him he was in love! "I'm going to go kill that bastard." Yelled Harry as he started to get up. Hermione stoped him by grabbing his sleeve and pulling him back down. Harry looked at her worriedly "Why not Hermione the bloody bastard just broke your heart into a million pieces." Questioned Harry. "Because Harry it was Viktor's fault why we broke up in the first place. He's the one who kissed me." Said Hermione looking at the ground. "Then I'm going to go kill a Bulgarian's seeker then." Said Harry getting up again. Hermione stoped him and pulled him back down. "Harry could you please just stay here I really need you right now." Harry nodded his head as Hermione rested her head on his shoulder. Once Hermione was over the shook that Cedric broke up with her and stopped crying she took her head off Harry's shoulder. She smiled when her eyes meet Harry's emerald green eyes. Harry has been with her thick and thin she couldn't ask for a better best friend. Caught up in the moment Hermione leaned in kissing Harry right on the lips. Harry quickly responded to Hermione kissing him. Harry decided to deepen the kiss by licking Hermione's bottom lip. Harry heard Hermione gasp he took advantage of her gasping and thrusted his tongue into her mouth. Harry groaned as he tasted spearmint toothpaste and vanilla. The two tongues battled for dominance as the kiss got more heated. A flash of Cedric's face flashed across Hermione's eyes bringing her back to reality. Hermione broke the kiss and ran down the hallway. She heard Harry screaming her name but kept on running. Hermione started to hear footsteps behind her. She could it was Harry as his cry's for her got louder. Hermione speed up trying to lose Harry but she was very unsuccessful as she heard the footsteps get louder indicating Harry also sped up to catch her.
Hermione ran up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room Harry hot on her heels. "Hermione please wait up!" Yelled Harry as he tried to catch up to Hermione. Hermione ignored Harry and ran faster up the stairs. When she reached the portrait she yelled the password and ran into the common room closing the door behind her and ran up the girls dorms. Harry quickly behind Hermione watched as she ran up the girls dorms stairs. Harry quickly followed her up the stairs forgetting the jinx that was on the stairs. Harry was up four stairs before they became a slide. Harry came crashing down back into the common room with a big bang. Hermione closed the door of the fourth year dorm and slid down the door. Hermione put her hands into her hands and started to cry again. How could she be so stupid snogging Harry like that? Cedric just broke up with her just an hour ago and now she just snogged Harry? She still loved Cedric yet it hurt was this what it felt like to have a heart broken? Hermione didn't know how long she was sitting there before she heard a knock at the door. " Can I come in?" Asked the person on the other side. Hermione knew who it was it was Ginny the youngest Weasley. Hermione stood up to open the door to let in the younger girl. "Oh Hermione Harry told me everything that happened." Said Ginny as she hugged Hermione. "Oh Gin I... I don't know what to do." Squeaked Hermione. "Why don't we go sit on your bed and talk about this?" Asked Ginny as she pulled Hermione towards her bed. "Okay tell me everything I want to hear your side of the story." Said Ginny giving Hermione a restoring smile. Hermione took a deep breath in. "It started as I walked into the library waiting for Cedric as we study and hang out on Saturday's. Cedric was ten minutes later when Viktor walked in and placed a arm around me.
Thinking it was Cedric I put my head on his chest. When I realized it wasn't Cedric I took my head off his shoulder. I asked him to take off his arm that was raped around me and he shook his head no. Then all of the sudden his lips were on mine. I didn't even have time to push him off as Cedric walked in and he punched Viktor in the face and told him that he should be glad I'm all his as we were over. Cedric stormed out of the library and I quickly followed Cedric out of the library to try and explain what happened but he wouldn't hear it and left me. Harry found me and comforted me and I.... I just got caught up in the moment and snogged him Gin." Cried Hermione. "Come here Hermione it's going to be okay Cedric was just a bloody ass without giving you time to explain what really happened. And like you said you where caught up in the moment I think Harry will understand. And for Viktor I think the twins got that handled before I came up here the two where already planning something for him." Smoothed Ginny rubbing Hermione's back as she hugged her. "Thanks Gin but I think you should go back to Neville I'm good now." Said Hermione. Ginny blushed at the mention of her boyfriend. Just like Cedric and Hermione Ginny and Neville also became a couple after the Yule Ball. Ginny nodded her head and hugged Hermione one more time before she went back down to the common room.

Word count 1410
Wow what a chapter. Will Victor get what he wants? Is Cedric going to beg for Hermione's forgiveness? Or will Hermione go up to Cedric and tell him what really happened? What about Harry? Will he take it okay when Hermione tells him the kiss meant nothing when it meant a lot to him? Wait Ginny and Neville are a couple? You will just have to wait and find out. Bye now

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