First task

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It's a week before the first task and Cedric and Hermione are patiently waiting in front the room of requirement waiting for Harry to arrive. Harry came around the counter he saw Cedric and Hermione waiting for him he felt a pain of jealousy run through him. But it quickly left when Hermione came running towards him. "Harry we I mean I was starting to get worried sick we have been standing here waiting for you for the past twenty minutes!" Yelled Hermione. "Hermione Cedric I know what the first task is,it's dragons." Said Harry. "Wait you are telling me I have to go against a dragon?" Cedric said with concern in his voice. "Yes, Dragons Hagrid showed me last night." " Well the only way you two will be prepared is by working on spells and research so let's get in the room of requirement and start." Hermione said with her famous bossy tone. While the two boys practiced there spells Hermione who has stoped at the library has gotten some books on dragons. "Accio book" whispered Cedric. The book Hermione was reading flew out of her hands in into Cedric's hand. "Good one Cedric" Said Harry in fit of laughter. "Haa ha now hand me back my book and I would like to know what spell you used Diggory." Hermione said as she walked over to Cedric with her hand outs reaching for her book. "I think not Granger you have been reading this book for the past two hours why don't you help Harry and I with some spells." Cedric said with his famous grin. Hermione sighted" what spell do you want me to help you guys with." "Granger I don't need help but Potter dose that's why I called you over in the first place." "You said WE Diggory that means both of you." "Oh did I really?" "Okay stop flirting you two and help me with the summing spell." Said Harry with a hint of jealousy in his voice.

Before the first task
"Pssst""Pssst" Harry walked over to the flap of the tent where he heard the strange noise. "Harry is that you?" Harry heard Hermione whisper. "Yea it's me" he whispered back. "Oh Harry." Said Hermione has she tackled the tent flap to hug Harry. There hug was ruined by a camera flash. "Ah young love! It will make the front of the page!" Said Rita Skeeter. "Get out of here this tent is for Champions, friends and family." Sneered Viktor Krum. When Rita made no intention to leave Cedric came up to her "You heard Krum get out of here this is none of your business so leave." Sneered Cedric. " Fine then I got what I wanted." Humphed Rita skeeter as she walked out of the tent. "Thanks Diggory I think I should be leaving good luck Diggory good luck Harry." Said Hermione as she walked out of the tent back towards the stands. Once Hermione was back in the stands next to Ron she took a shaky breath. "Hey it's going to be okay Hermione Diggory and Harry well do fine." Said Ron taking Hermione's hand a giving it a squeeze. After what felt like hours the bagman announced that Cedric was the first one to go. Hermione held her breath as she saw Cedric entering the area. She watched as Cedric turned a couple of rocks in a golden retriever which made the dragon preoccupied with the dog. Cedric made a run for it towards the egg that was behind the dragon. Cedric grabbed the egg but noticed the dragon wasn't interested into the dog anymore. Cedric made a run for the tent but as he was the dragon breathed out fire and it hit Cedric. Cedric barely made it to the tent before he fainted. Hermione gasped her mind was telling go see how Cedric was but she stayed put in her spot she didn't want to miss Harry. What felt like days it was Harry's turn. Hermione found herself holding her breath just like she did when Cedric first came out of the tent. But this time Harry almost got burned alive but ducked out of the way behind a large rock. "Harry use you wand Harry your wand." Screamed Hermione. Harry must of heard her because she saw his fire blot. Harry grabbed his fire bolt and was in the sky in seconds. Hermione let a sigh in relief as she was glad Harry had seeker skills. Harry dived for the egg but was suddenly stoped as the dragon breathed out fire. Harry forced to go up went up as he was up there he could see the dragon struggling to get to him. After a couple of seconds struggling the Dragon got louse and went after Harry. Harry flew away from the area and towards Hogwarts. Once out of sight Hermione took Ron's and Neville's hand and gave them a tight squeeze. What felt like hours of waiting Harry came flying in and scooped down and grabbed the egg. The crowds where cheering like crazy as Harry held up the egg.

In the hospital wing.
"Harry Diggory thank god you two are alive. Both of you where very reckless out there!" Screamed Hermione. "Granger look Potter and I are alive the injuries aren't that bad." Cedric said shrugging his shoulders.
"The injuries aren't that bad! You Diggory fainted! You fainted and you are saying the injuries aren't that bad!" Screamed Hermione. "Now what if you two don't care about your health I leaving then." Screamed Hermione as she started to walk towards the doors. "Granger!" Yelled Cedric but Hermione ignored him and walked out of the hospital wing. Cedric sighed "You should apologize to Hermione Diggory she was just really worried sick." "I know it's just I don't want to worry to much she will pass out from worrying to much. If I sound like I'm okay maybe just maybe Granger will stop worrying as much." " Diggory if you really know Hermione you would know she will worry more if you say your okay.""Alright the next time I see Granger I will apologize." "Good we don't want her to be worrying anymore."

Next day in the Hospital wing.
"Mr.Diggory and Mr.Potter you two are free to go." Said Madame Pomfrey. "Yes finally I can get out of here." Sighed Harry has he hoped off his bed and started to walk towards the doors. Cedric followed Harry out of the hospital wing. Harry turned around "I'm heading to the Great Hall it's still breakfast want to come?" "Yes sure I can talk to Granger on my way to the Hufflepuff table." The two boys walked in silence as they walked to the Great Hall. Cedric and Harry walked into the Great Hall everyone looked up to see who walked in and every eye seemed to be on the two Hogwarts Champions. Harry gulped as he looked around the Great Hall everyone was looking at him or Cedric he knew the whispers where about him and Cedric. Harry looked over his shoulder he noticed that Cedric looked like this was normal thing for him. Harry sat down next to Hermione as he reached the Gryffindor table. Cedric sat on the other side of Hermione and the whispers just got worsens Cedric sat down. "Diggory you do know that this isn't the Hufflepuff table right?" Questioned Hermione. "Yes I know it isn't the Hufflepuff table but I needed to talk to you." Said Cedric as he started to pill food on the plate in front of him. "Okay then Diggory what's is that you wanted to tell me?" Questioned Hermione. Cedric swallowed the pice of bacon before he spoke "Granger I'm sorry about yesterday I just thought what I was doing would make you worry less but, Potter told me that it makes you more worried and I'm sorry about that." Hermione Sighed "Your apology is accepted.
Word count 1329

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