The Quiddich World Cup

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As they reached towards the portkey Ginny picked up her pace and was the first one there. As Ginny placed her hand on the portkey she took her free hand and waved over to Hermione to grab the portkey next to her. Once Harry touched the portkey it started to spin rapidly. Author Weasley screamed "Children when I tell you to you will let go of the portkey". Everyone nodded."Alright at the count of ten I want all of you to let go alright"? "Okay 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10 let go"! Screamed Author Weasley. Hermione,Ginny, Ron, Harry, and the Weasley twins came crashing down with a groan. While the rest came floating down with ease. Once Cedric's feet hit that ground he walked right over to Hermione and helped her up. "Thanks". Said Hermione as she blushed. "Hey it was no problem I got to help a pretty girl get back on her feet." Exclaimed Cedric as he winked at Hermione. Once Cedric has walked away to catch up to his father Ginny came over to Hermione. "I can't believe it my best friend just had pretty boy Diggory flirt with her and she's blushing". Gashed Ginny. "Oh come on Gin he was just being a gentleman we hardly know each other". Said Hermione rolling her eyes at Ginny's silly comment. "Come on girls let's go we need to find a spot to but this thing called a tent". Yelled Author Weasley to the girls. Ginny groaned and rolled her eyes has she picked up her pace to caught up to her father. Hermione did the same to keep up with the younger girl.

Later that night.
The Quidditch World Cup as started Ireland winning by 200 points. Finally after a long time the Bulgaria team scored making it 110 to 300 . The cheers got louder when they saw Krum the Bulgarian's seeker going after what looked like the snitch. The cheers got even more louder when the Ireland seeker Lynch started to chase Krum for the snitch. After what seemed like hours Krum finally caught the snitch. The cheers grew loud as Krum held the snitch in triumph. But the Irish still won, as the final score was 400 to 260. The way back to the tent Hermione's hand found its self in Harry's. Harry smirked as he saw the jealousy in the eyes of a certain twin. Harry knew that look he had the same look on his face when Cedric helped Hermione back on her feet. Harry gave Hermione's hand a tight squeeze. Harry has one advantage that the Weasley twin didn't have which was a tight friendship with Hermione. Harry wasn't going to let the Weasley twin win Harry was going to win Hermione's heart first, thanks to his advantage. Once back to the tent Ron went on about how amazing the Bulgarian Seeker Victor Krum was. "Oh Ronald it seems you have a crush on Krum". Teased Ginny. "I do not!"Yelled Ron at his sisters comment. "Alright you two stop your bickering." Yelled Author Weasley at his two youngest. With that came a loud bang. "Sounds like the Irish is celebrating don't you think?" Commented Fred. "That's not the Irish everyone get out." "Bill Percy and Charlie you three apparat home." Yelled Author Weasley. The three of them listed to there fathers orders and appeared out. "The rest of you follow me Fred, George Ginny is your responsibility make sure she makes it with you two safe. Harry, Ron and Hermione you three stay close to each other." Yelled Author Weasley.

"Stop stop that's my children!" Screamed Author Weasley. "So you are saying that your children are the ones who conjured the dark mark?" Said Bartey Crouch. "Bartey you can't be serious, they are only children!" Yelled Author Weasley. "I saw someone that way he's the one who conjured that dark mark he went that way." Said Harry. "Alright let's go." Grumbled Bartey Crouch. Harry took Hermione's hand as they started to walk towards Author Weasley.

The Hogwarts express.
"I can't believe it the rubbish the Daily Profit writes." Said Hermione angrily as she flung the news paper across the compartment. Harry took Hermione's hand in his and rubbed his thumb over Hermione's comfortably. Hermione started to calm down and rested her head on Harry's shoulder.

The Great Hall
"Good Evening everyone as the first years are all sorted I'm there houses I would like to say somethings. First off welcome back to a new year at Hogwarts. Second off I would like to say the forbidden forest is still forbidden. Third I would like to say that this year Hogwarts will not be just your home this year as we will have two other schools joining use this year, the two schools are Dumstrang and Beauxbatons academy. Let's welcome the two schools." First was Dumstrang with there amazing entrance. As Viktor Crum walked by he winked at Hermione. Harry who saw this growled under his breath and in winded his hand with Hermione's. Once Dumstrang was done Beauxbaton Academy came into the great hall with a more lady like entrance having most of the males drooling over that girls.
"This year Hogwarts is being granted to hold the Triwizard torment." Boomed Dumbledore's voice. Whispers cloud be heard all around. " silence." Yelled Dumbledore. The Great Hall became dead silent. "The mister of magic believes that to keep younger students safe only the students that are of age of seventeen can put there name in the goblet of fire." Boomed Dumbledore's voice once again. "That's rubbish!" Screamed one of the Weasley Twins. "That's unfair!" Screamed another. "Silence everyone!" Yelled Dumbledore. "If you want to enter you have 24 hours to put your name in the goblet of fire, on the eve of Halloween night the goblet of fire will choose the three contestants if chosen there is no backing out." Boomed Dumbledore's voice. Cedric smiled to himself he just turned seventeen back in September this was his chance to woo over Hermione Granger. If he where to empress her on how good he did in the torment he could get her be his girlfriend. His friends might make fun of him for liking a girl two years younger than him but he didn't care about age, his parents where three years apart, so why couldn't he date a girl younger than him.

Word count 1075

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